
Formulaire V3

philou  11-May-2005 13:57 9489 Reads   26 Comment(s) 
Here is an extract from changelog.txt (You could find it in the formulaire folder) :

This version perfectly works with register_globals at OFF

Examples of functionnalities added :
- a link permits to acceed directly to a form from the admin pages
- addition of help on the menu pictures
- new interface for admin nemnu
- arrows to change the element position
- possibility to activate or desactivate the forms directly form the form's admin page
- in the mail, a new link to the user profile has been created
- url of return after mail sending
- help text for forms
- text for the submit button
- elements to send (IP, web navigator, submit by)
- text encoding for mails (ISO-8859-1,ISO-8859-15,UTF-8,cp866,cp1251,cp1252,KOI8-R,BIG5,GB2312,BIG5-HKSCS,Shift_JIS,EUC-JP)
- in the preferences, addition of a default value to the join files weight (size in KByte)
- possibility to order the sendings by date and user in the consult page
- possibility to save or not the sendings for each form
- in the user block, a link permits to reach the admin part (if the user is admin)
- a new page gives information about the server. on the server info page, you can put or remove the PHP debug mode
- the number of sendings for each form is now displayed in the consult page
- the arrows permits to move the menu elements, the boxes to put directly the order have been put (following the request of Alain01)
- for upload element, there are 2 new types : rar and zip
- in the user part, the max weight for the joined files is now displayed
- separator element, the element can now be bold
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