Additional FeaturesThis module is an extension of the popular Spotlight module with these additional features:
1) Enhanced block template supporting one large spotlight news event and up to five (number selectable) mini-spotlights.
2) Rolling Marquee with admin functions for editing the XML file into the module. NOTE: Marquee program is NOT GPL - however, the jar file is distributed free for use by ObjectPlanet. Please observe their license.
Background: I hired Tuff at BrandyCoke to basically hack the original Spotlight module. Currently - and unfortunately - this module was not being further developed because of the development of WF-Focus.
Tuff did a FANTASTIC job and implemented everything I asked for and then some. However, we recognize that for general functionality within the Xoops community developers may continue to improve upon what we started.
I would like to see:1) More layout options. Currently the only option is vertical 2 column. However, I could definately see some creative horizontal layouts.
2) Code cleanup. I see one of two directions. a) Complete removal of all WF-Section code since it would conflict with WF-Focus, or b) Expansion to include extensible type connections for all the major article systems.
3) Expansion - to include similar type blocks for other key sections such as links and downloads, so that SuperSpotlight would be useful to a variety of site foci.
But I'll leave that up to you, just release any improvements back to the community....m'kay?
Dan and Tuff
NOTE: Credit to Spark, Herko, and the WF-Guys for original development of the spotlight module. These were just small improvements based on their monster work!