MortgageCalc v1.0 installs per the specifications of XOOPs 2.0.7. It is a block that has the following features:
Buyers Worksheet - This worksheet allows you to enter you income information to determine your buying power, basically what you may be able to afford!
Estimated Payments - This will tell you what your principle and interest payments will be. Insurance is determined by region, and not covered by this calculation. Check your local fees!
Compound Interest - Have you ever wanted to find out how much you really paid for a particular product over the term of a loan? You may not want to know, but this calculation will tell you the hard truth.
Rent VS Buy - This is a decision maker. It allows you to enter in specific income information, taxes, interest, and misc. fees. It will help advise you on the direction you should go.
Remember - with any investment or major purchase, you should always seek qualified legal and accounting advice. This tool helps you do your homework prior to meeting with those professionals.