
Lykos Blocks 1.2

lykoszine  01-Dec-2003 00:54 8948 Reads   14 Comment(s) 
----==== Requirement ====----

Xoops 2.05 or Greater

----==== Installing ====----

1. Upload the folder inside the zip to the Xoops modules folder.
2. Login to your site as Admin, go Admin -> Modules, install Lykos Blocks.
3. Look for the blocks in Admin->Blocks.

----==== Upgrading ====----

1. You should uninstall and delete all files from any previous version.
2. Follow the instructions for installation above.

----==== Bugs/Features ====----

Fixed bugs in recent articles block that would only show 1 article.
Added new features found in standard 2.05 news block.
Changed category entry to a drop down menu.
Added smarty support to stats block.

----==== To Do ====----

Category block for mylinks and mydownloads?
Admin for stats, enabling module selection
Dynamic xoops_version.php to cater for multiple identical blocks

----==== Credits/Thanks ====----

Chapi, for the spankingly good new logo
Henessy , for valuable input

News blocks adapted from blocks in News Module, Xoops 2.05

Download this from or here on when I can be bothered to submit it to the DL section

Feedback welcome...
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