

studioC  17-Jun-2006 08:18  5555 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Resized Image

While working on a theme I had to create some new images for newbb because the colour did not fit the new layout. I made some simple dots on a 23*11 px background transparent. You can view them running on testforum of my demo site. Grab them, when you like them and download ZIP version of...

CBB User Info bar hack!

Chris03  24-May-2006 19:55  4600 reads   2 Comment(s) 
This CBB hack will add a PHPbbish user profile bar to your posts like this below

Resized Image

v3.04 Download

v3.01 Download

Little solutions = PM icons in English & Spanish

ipwgc  05-Apr-2006 05:38  5558 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Little solutions for big websites like yours

The new members in my site in English and Spanish always asked me what PM means?, and I answered them, "that small icon it is to send private messages." Tired of this, I said to my self I have to look for a solution.

Well, this it is the solution that I...

XFG - Xoops For Google

hervet  06-Dec-2005 18:00  12011 reads   12 Comment(s) 
Xoops For Google

Actually, the few pages availables in the user side of your site(s) does not always offer a significative page title.
That's a problem because significatives pages titles, meta keywords and meta descriptions can help you to have better places in search engines results...

XOOPS 2.2.4 Profile Photo Hack

m0nty  30-Nov-2005 23:12  10996 reads   24 Comment(s) 
This hack adds photo upload ability to Xoops 2.2.4 User Profile

xcGallery 2.0 Hack 2.02

vanGoGa  25-Nov-2005 16:33  7171 reads   4 Comment(s) 
Hack Version 2.02
1. Merged with xcGal 2.0 (support of Xoops 2.2)
See features below from previous versions.
2. Added sideblock.
3. Added configuration options for album sort order

Hack Version 1.21
1. Album sort order changed to descending.
2. Added Latest Albums block.

Side Bar for xcGal 2.0

vanGoGa  03-Oct-2005 15:26  6323 reads   1 comment 
What is it?

If you use Mozilla you would be familiar with sidebars if you are not and still use Mozilla then hit F9 and the side bar panel will open. This is a hack which will add another tab to this sidebar panel which will show you

1. The categories and albums of the given xcGal gallery in a...

How to Enable Koivi Wysiwyg Editor in XOOPS 2.2.2

Rha7dotCom  26-Sep-2005 01:59  10955 reads   22 Comment(s) 
Hi! This is a so much asked question. How to enable the Koivi Editor in Xoops 2.2.2, Well here is how to enable the Koivi Editor in custom block editing, you can get the idea from here to implement it in other places, good luck!

Page timer & MySQL counter for Xoops 2.2.x

brash  10-Aug-2005 13:49  4987 reads   No comments 
Thanks to Mith for revising the code here, and I've also just updated the page timer & MySQL counter smarty plugin so that it works with the new Xoops 2.2.x branch. This plugin allows you to place a single smarty tag in your theme which when executed by the server is replaced with the time taken...

save password for multiple accounts

phppp  26-Jun-2005 02:30  4906 reads   1 comment 
This hack saves your multi-account passwords on your computer by cookies.

For XOOPS 2.011

some features:
1 password is saved with md5 and will not be displayed on pages so there is no security concern when the page is cached.
2 multi-account applicable and you can choose an account to use from a...

Photo + Profiles Hack V2 for

m0nty  21-Jun-2005 20:12  11484 reads   68 Comment(s) 
This is an update from my previous hack. there isn't much difference than before in looks or usage except for now the users can enter their date of birth on registration (it is set to be *required*) and on user profile page, instead of showing date of birth it displays the users age.


Profile Photo Hack

m0nty  15-Apr-2005 04:07  10157 reads   20 Comment(s) 
This hack adds photo upload ability to Xoops 2 User Profile

you can download the hack HERE

see Demo HERE

to test the upload username = demouser - password = demouser2005

It utilises the same function as the Avatar section but they are both seperate. This means that the photo settings can be...

http://xoopsfactory.de :: xf_newsmod_blocks V1.5

studioC  09-Apr-2005 17:40  4315 reads   3 Comment(s) 
... for those, who had fun with the additional newsblocks ... here is an update, i added some blocks so now there are 6 blocks for different categories of news to display. It works fine with news version 1.1 but should work with 1.3 (but there we have some additional blocks though).

This is...

Adminarea Revisited beta2 released

ralf57  23-Mar-2005 11:00  6558 reads   43 Comment(s) 
Hi xoopsers,
after a long delay the beta2 version of Adminarea Revisited hack is out.
This hack aims to give a new and fresh look to the backend without editing the core files.

Reynaldo's ShortURLs UPDATED

tl  24-Jan-2005 12:34  7263 reads   9 Comment(s) 
sim_suin has just released Simplified URLs which is great if you are trying ShortURLs for the first time. But if you have been using the Reynaldo's ShortURLs for a while, it would be just not feasible for the switch without creating a huge mess with search engines.

One of the issues using...
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