
Lightbox in myalbum!

slyss  23-Mar-2008 19:29  8741 reads   14 Comment(s) 
Hi all

i have write a tutorial to update your myalbum-p with lightbox script.

For the moment is in italian language (you can use google translator)

Tutorial: click here

Demo: click here


Revolution of Xoops Banners System

slyss  01-Mar-2008 15:11  11122 reads   15 Comment(s) 
First of all sorry if my english is bad (is not my first language).

Finally i have create 2 functions to place your BANNERS everywhere you want and choosing which BANNER to show!!!

Please go here for more info:



RSS Feed in Arabic

rasme  15-Feb-2008 03:36  7694 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Now Arabic Web Site Can use Xoops And no problem

With RSS Feed.

only replace new with old in root directly of your site.

Read And download

By Rasme

No More Bots - XOOPS Antibot Signup

wishcraft  18-Dec-2007 00:51  7049 reads   7 Comment(s) 
Author: Simon Roberts (wishcraft)
Download: xoopsAntiBotSignup.zip
Version: 1.02

Have you ever noticed how some programmers have been witting spam bots that automatically sign up to your website. They signup with usernames like newz002344 and so on, this is an implementation of Captcha, that...

Xoops Comments - Prevent Anonymous User Spam

attock  21-Sep-2007 13:20  10162 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Although there is option in every module that would let you choose who can post a comment. But what if you want anonymous users to post comments as well. There isn't any option (at least I couldn't find any) that will prevent anonymous users from spamming. So this hack will prevent spam if a...

Friendly URLs for Static Content

ewonline  16-Jul-2007 01:34  8634 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Emma Watson Online is proud to announce the start of exciting XOOPS guides on making access to content more search engine and user friendly.

Our first guide in the series will show you how to use mod_rewrite to turn:
http://www.yoursite.com/modules/content/index.php?id=1 into

A Xoops Summer - “Portable” version USB?

kris_fr  12-Jul-2007 16:54  6914 reads   9 Comment(s) 

This summer, I have a site under xoops to report my holidays…
To carry out that, the XooFoo.org Laboratory prepared you a version Xoops 2.0.16 "Portable" functioning on an USB key with the miniservor Movamp and Firefox browser.

This preinstalled version is made up of the main modules (in French...


Two cool xcgal hacks .. Pagetitle and RSS feed

Anonymous  11-May-2007 21:26  8541 reads   6 Comment(s) 
ARABXOOPS is happy to announce you a new two cool hacks for xcgal module.

xcgal Pagetitle hack ..improve the searchability of your site!
xcgal is one of the most popular galleries but it's use name of module as pagetitle for all pages, so this will lead to lose of most vistors and remember:...

Nuke2Xoops Very Simple (Users Table)

canbula  25-Dec-2006 22:08  6787 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Today I need these php codes for transferring nuke users to a xoops site..and I wrote these codes and wanted to share with you

It is very simple..just use it
$MysqlHost "localhost"// your mysql host
$MysqlKullanici "root"// your mysql user name
$MysqlSifre ""// your mysql password

Hidden Content Hack

canbula  06-Dec-2006 08:29  13631 reads   6 Comment(s) 
Everybody knows 'Hidden Content' in Vbulletin forums. Now we can use it in XOOPS. It is very very easy.

File: class/module.textsanitizer.php
We add only a few lines in our module.textsanitizer.php then we can use Hidden Content in news, newbb, sections etc. modules.

Now you must find these lines in...

Frameworks 1.01 is released

phppp  30-Nov-2006 18:04  8820 reads   8 Comment(s) 
Frameworks provides a collective of common functions, classes, service packages like fpdf, tranfser that are required or can be used by modules like article, cbb, planet, wordpress, mediawiki and more

Major updates in the release:
1 site-wide wiki syntax, requested by sandmann
2 auto detection of...

XOOPS EXM Available!

bitcero  26-Nov-2006 02:12  13838 reads   32 Comment(s) 
Resized ImageXOOPS EXM 2.0.16 is available to download at our downloads section(registration required). XOOPS EXM is only a graphical modification of the XOOPS administration section that enhances the interface visually for a nicer look and simpler usage.

Photo & Profiles Hack for Xoops 2.0.x

m0nty  06-Nov-2006 15:40  6580 reads   4 Comment(s) 
Although this may dissapoint many users, I have to inform you that as from November 2006, I will no longer continue to maintain the Photo & profiles hacks for XOOPS.

I will endeavour to try & support existing installations of it, and will continue to offer it for download.

But I will not be making...

Check user emails on registration

chippyash  03-Nov-2006 14:59  6245 reads   3 Comment(s) 
A simple hack to add extra security to your site and prevent malicious users from entering false email addresses. This checks with the mail server entered by the user to see if the mail address exists.

1) download the checkmail.zip file from HERE and extract its contents and put them into the...

xoopscomments CrystalHack

Defkon1  11-Sep-2006 20:59  7891 reads   25 Comment(s) 
CrystalHack is a xoops comments system hack that implements the SecurityImage class by Dugris and a useful new "Username" form field.
With this new field even anonymous users can specify a nickname instead of "Anonymous".

I think that this hack will be very useful especially in blogs and it will...
« 1 2 3 4 (5) 6 7 8 ... 11 »


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