Developer News

Xoops Showcase at OSCOM

malexandria  23-Sep-2002 12:03  4528 reads   No comments 
Hey everyone,

Xoops is coming out of the "shadows", and "hitting the road!" This week, I will be presenting Xoops at the Open Source Content Management At the University of Berkley, this Thursday at 2pm.
Developer News

XOOPS Version 1 Roadmap

onokazu  22-Sep-2002 06:23  4248 reads   No comments 
As of late, many people have been requesting a revised
roadmap and were happy to say, it's here! As everyone
in the Opensource (OS) community understands, this
will of course be tentative plans for the next few
releases of Xoops.

XOOPS Version 1 Roadmap
Developer News

PHP 4.2.3 Released

onokazu  06-Sep-2002 18:00  3758 reads   No comments

Anyone Interested?
Developer News

'XOOPS Templates' Forum

onokazu  27-Aug-2002 11:20  21288 reads   No comments 
Just created a forum dedicated to discussions on smarty templates. Feel free to post questions, requests, suggestions, and how-tos on Smatry templates implemented in XOOPS.
Developer News running Smarty template engine

onokazu  23-Aug-2002 00:04  12557 reads   No comments 
We have just upgraded our site to the latest development version (CVS + Smarty). We are now using Smarty template engine as the new theme system. Now, what is Smarty, and what would be the benefit for us users and developers?

Quoted from

Smarty is a template engine...
Developer News

Case Studies Wanted for OSCOM CMS Conference!

malexandria  13-Aug-2002 10:52  3585 reads   No comments 
Hey All,

Yours Truly will be representing Xoops at the upcoming Open Source Content Management Conference in Berkly , I willl be doing a 45 minute presentation on Xoops, along with Gregor from PN.
Developer News

Module/Theme authors please read! :o)

Anonymous  23-Jul-2002 13:20  4907 reads   No comments 
To make classifying & reognizing files easier for everyone, it's strongly suggested that module & theme authors adapt their way of naming files.

By looking at a file, one should know right away what kind of file it is (module, theme, block, hack), the version of xoops it works with, and the...
Developer News

CVS Repository up

Anonymous  20-Jul-2002 11:37  3812 reads   No comments 
It's finally here! All of xoops has been tranfered to CVS.

You may grab the latest CVS files from anonymous CVS by using a program like WinCVS or TortoiseCVS (easy to use) and the following login information:

Server Type: pserver
User Name: anonymous
Password: n/a
Developer News

Original Setup Program

ELF  29-May-2002 23:03  3666 reads   No comments 
I created the setup program of xoops.
A setup program is as near as install.php.
There is the following feature compared with install.php.
Developer News

"Ask Michelle" your weekly look behind Xoops Dev. ...

malexandria  28-May-2002 17:36  4828 reads   No comments 
Hey Everyone,

Welcome to another edition of "Ask Michelle" your weekly home for what's going on with the Xoops Devs. I'll try and make this weeks a column a weekly feature to give the Xoops Community a peak at what's going on with the development of Xoops. So let's get down to business.

Developer News

Bring on the Revolution

Anonymous  09-May-2002 02:10  3566 reads   No comments 
Launched this week, is the latest development in the Open Source Content Management Community. A b2b marketplace through which developers, designers, project managers, and other web professionals with experience of one or more of the Open Source CMS systems may freely bid for projects.
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