RFBase[dot]com running on Xoops

SimonTheMime  12-Sep-2005 13:05  4558 reads   2 Comment(s) 
RF Online Base, the first ever English-speaking fansite and community for the game RF Online has been run on Xoops since it's opening in March. Since then, we have provided free guides, tips, and help on the game, and have nearly 2,200 members.


brash  12-Sep-2005 10:09  3983 reads   No comments 
SolidRockYouth.ca is the newsly designed site for the youth ministry of my church.

Its basic at this point, not much in the way of customization other than the adaptation of a 7Dana theme for the site.

Total redesign for gaming site.

probatus  12-Sep-2005 05:03  4525 reads   No comments 
Check out the new and improved MegaFPS!

A gaming site for all kinds of games. If you are in the Edmonton Alberta area, join up and come out the the LANs!

It is a much needed face-lift.



Whitecrows.us - Going beyond the ordinary

carnuke  11-Sep-2005 13:46  5901 reads   9 Comment(s) 
Whitecrows.us A personal weblog. ( whitecrows.us )

White Crows is my first serious attempt at building a customised Xoops theme. It's a fusion of the superior features of xoops 2.2.3 and the style of Blogger's beautiful 'Scribe' theme by Todd Dominey. My aim was to produce a personal website that...

F3 - The First Forensic Forum

tedsmith  10-Sep-2005 11:36  5922 reads   23 Comment(s) 
Lastnight, I (at last) launched my third Xoops site...http://www.F3.org.uk. It's taken me about three months and a lot of work! But it is the best Xoops site I've done to date and I'm really proud of it.

The First Forensic Forum (F3 for short) was originally founded in the 1990’s when forensic...

Gifts.Meant4u.com ... a new 2.2.2 xoops site is online

tzvook  07-Sep-2005 14:50  7793 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Gifts.Meant4u.com is a complete, one stop gifts directory: hundreds of categories to find your way when going to choose the gift of your choice or to promote your gifts related website.

Offical Portal Alumni MRSM Kuala Berang goes to XOOPS 2.2.x

comflash2  06-Sep-2005 15:02  7072 reads   4 Comment(s) 
Thanks to the great XOOPS developers, Portal Alumni MRSM Kuala Berang is now running on XOOPS 2.2.2 because of its stabilities and flexibilities surpassing all the NUKES and even its previous version (XOOPS 2.0.13) that really suits to our needs. Long life XOOPS!!!

Take A Look Of Our Beautiful Site !

Another Dutch Xoops Site

winnesoup  05-Sep-2005 21:24  4793 reads   5 Comment(s) 
The "Stichting Humanitaire Hulp Gambia" stands for projects in Gambia. By organising fund raising events and collecting money by a vast range of sponsors and partners, the organisation has been able to start and maintain a lot of projects in the inlands of Gambia.
Xoops, just by being Xoops,...

New polish site on Xoops !

kurak_bu  05-Sep-2005 14:15  5157 reads   No comments 

In the www there is a new site on Xoops. Its my site about polish mopeds (in polish: Polskie Motorowery). All people are welcome into my site: here.
[size=x-small]It stay on Xoops[/size]

Max-PT.net move to Xoops

maxpt  04-Sep-2005 13:27  5134 reads   No comments 
The Portuguese news site Max-pt.net move to Xoops.

Portuguese Max-pt.net

Xdigitalnet Move to Xoops!!

zeroram  04-Sep-2005 08:50  4440 reads   4 Comment(s) 
I am pleased to announce the grand re-opening of my Personal Businness website


After doing some tweaks here and then.. from the previous simple site i finally make it work with xoops :)


http://xoopsfactory.com - XSOTM - XOOPS-Site of the month- ...

studioC  02-Sep-2005 17:09  6144 reads   12 Comment(s) 
I'm happy to announce the first XSOTM - XOOPS-Site of the month - VOTING.

During month August we've collected your nominations for the XOOPS-Site of the month contest and NOW I've openend the voting FORM. A little earlier than expected, but things go well these days.

I can imagine that many people...

eirenicon website Grand re-opening

rabideau  31-Aug-2005 17:49  4355 reads   No comments 
I am pleased to announce the grand re-opening of my eirenicon l.l.c. website!

You may visit the site at: http://www.eirenicon.org/

I have played with the theme quite a bit and tried a few innovations out including using java scriptiing for some of the menus.

If there is adequate interest in the...

Autofan.be on Xoops

luciano  31-Aug-2005 11:25  4679 reads   1 comment 
Already running but officialy open on september 15th. AUTOFAN

Free classifieds and information, using CatAds, Xdirectory and a changed Astonstreet theme. Language: Dutch.


Resized Image


Webtechtalk (Dutch)

luciano  29-Aug-2005 13:30  4115 reads   6 Comment(s) 
I decided to make a website for Flemmish and Dutch webdesigners, something easy: links to affiliate stuff, free graphics, maybe a forum and a lot of publicity for Xoops. This is just the beginning, so if anyone would like to join me... you know where to find me (PM).

Please have a look at:...
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