aphex the 5th!

aph3x  26-Feb-2011 19:09  3447 reads   9 Comment(s) 
Hello, I'm Erol but you might know me as "aphex" and I make themes for XOOPS. Today I launched the 5th version of the themes site you all got to know for some years as Aphex's Themes. The most important change about the site is not the design... The most important thing about the site is the...

Paflyfish.com Upgraded to Xoops 2.5

dkile  24-Feb-2011 18:53  3800 reads   3 Comment(s) 
I am very happy to announce the upgrade of Paflyfish.com, a website community for fly fishing anglers in the Pennsylvania and surrounding region of the United States.

The website was established in 1995 and originally implemented Xoops in 2006. The site is fairly busy with about 7,000,000...

Irassa.com : Libyan website developed by XOOPS

Anonymous  08-Feb-2011 14:57  5974 reads   15 Comment(s) 
I am very pleased to introduce the new libyan website irassa which is now based on XOOPS.

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Link: http://www.irassa.com

It uses modules like:
• Publisher
• extgallery
• xfguestbook
• greetings
• obituaries
• xoopspoll


New Site and new modules

timgno  04-Feb-2011 17:57  4499 reads   No comments 
New look and new site TXMod Xoops modules that use jQuery library.
The new version of the theme uses features, such as ui jquery toggle function, the function button, the function tabs, scrolling news and themes with scrollTo cyrcle and jquery. Added flags for multilanguage.



Hinduism Today Upgraded to 2.5

kailas  23-Jan-2011 21:26  3901 reads   2 Comment(s) 
We are pleased to announce the upgrade of the http://www.hinduismtoday.com web site. We were running on a very old 2.1 version that we installed in 2008. Frankly the theme and home page and navigation etc. were in need of a lot of help.

We want to thank Simon Roberts (aka "Wishcraft") for the...

Neurogel en marche : Association for the cure of paraplegia ...

tatane  23-Jan-2011 15:46  4711 reads   4 Comment(s) 
I am very pleased to introduce the new association website Neurogel en marche which is now based on Xoops

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NeuroGel in March is an association of public utility and the owner of the patent NeuroGel. The NeuroGel is a biomaterial that has properties very similar to those of the...

Radioparties.co.uk powered by XOOPS

playsome  18-Jan-2011 14:46  11751 reads   No comments 
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RadioParties.co.uk is an exciting new business allowing children to produce there own radio show in a proffesional radio studio with professional equipment.

RadioParties is part of CamGlen radio a local charity run radio station based in Cambuslang, Glasgow, the aim of radioparties is to generate...

Another new website

chco2  15-Jan-2011 18:21  4039 reads   No comments 
Designburo delivered another new XOOPS website.

Main Modules used :


XOOPS 2.4.5 has been used, due to the providers PHP version.

Design had to be identical to previous html-based website. Installed, designed and tweaked in twelve hours.

Our thanks goes out to the community of XOOPS and...

Preko ramena - Online magazine based on Xoops

bjuti  13-Jan-2011 12:42  5172 reads   8 Comment(s) 
Preko ramena is a new magazine (still in beta, but fully functional) based on Xoops.

The magazine is in Serbian, and we're dealing there on various topics. From politics, travel, technology to a lifestyle articles.

The main module under the hood is the Publisher, with some template hacks for...

New Website www.ssyq.org

hiqi  08-Jan-2011 04:01  4799 reads   1 comment 
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I would like to present my new Website:


I have used XOOPS 2.5.0 and these great XOOPS Modules for the Site:

-weblinks 1.95

Have Fun and a nice Weekend.

Top Geek Awards - vote for Wishcraft

wishcraft  20-Dec-2010 02:38  3885 reads   14 Comment(s) 
Simon a Roberts let alone his hard line punk rock approach and years of romphing the town with a 2 foot mowhalk still is one of the founders of the internet with IPv4 and many other aspects of the modern web.

Even though he likes to fight he forgives easily and forgets quickly. Currently in...

Aquariophilie Portail

aquaportail  17-Dec-2010 16:19  3621 reads   2 Comment(s) 
I'm proud to present my french aquariophilie website (aquarist). It's based on an old Xoops version 2.0.1x with major modifications and enhancements.

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A full url-rewriting had been integrated with hard coding, with an fine H1, meta description and page title for each page with the specific...

WuKis.DE - The XOOPS 2.5.0 Family Planning Site

webmystar  17-Dec-2010 08:13  4088 reads   No comments 
I'm happy to present my new German XOOPS website with the focus on family planning (Kinderwunsch Blog).

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I have set the Focus of the Following:

- Kinderwunsch
- Unfruchtbarkeit
- Kinderwunschbehandlung
- Kinderwunschklinik

I have used XOOPS 2.5.0 and these great XOOPS - Modules...

Croatian site Apartmani "Bella Mia" upgraded to ...

sadistiko  16-Dec-2010 09:39  4276 reads   1 comment 
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This site is made last year, but now it's redesigned and upgraded to Xoops 2.5.0.
This is my first production site with Xoops 2.5.0.

Theme is based on xd_travel from Xoops gallery but heavily changed.

Modules used on this site:
- xnews 1.71
- good old multimenu 1.74
- mling hack...

Croatian Labourists on Xoops

ajgour  14-Dec-2010 15:21  3018 reads   1 comment 
Croatian Labourists for web presentation use Xoops CMS.

Web site http://www.laburisti.com/ was made with Xoops 2.4.4. (will upgrade soon, newest Xoops is still in testing), Mastop modules (Mastop Publish and Mastop GO2) and other (like Liase).

As our theme, we used mh10_v2 theme

We wish to thank...
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