revesderecho com

SallyB  17-Feb-2006 21:18  5334 reads   1 comment 
An awsome combination of technology and old practices as knitting. A web portal made proudly with Xoops 2.0, with a lot of modules working and a lot of customizations... Everything to bring the knitters around the world the best site!!

A great example of how to personalise your Xoops website.


Another XOOPs Site

jeremyb  17-Feb-2006 17:51  2813 reads   No comments 
Hi All,

XOOPs ROCKS! The improvements are amazing, it is a great content management engine.

I had the opportunity to put up another XOOPs site for my church Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Longview at

It is built on XOOPs 2.2.3.a and a modified version of the imago06 theme....

Portal Mistico

nicolas_e  14-Feb-2006 05:55  5889 reads   1 comment 
De acuerdo con xoops este sitio contiene algunos módulos y se reprodujo. Mi inglés es malo, yo habla español. Utilice las noticias y la copia, wfsections/clone, el cbb, el myalbum, el cambiador del tema, y más. le intenta las noticias y las clases particulares del acercamiento en ciertos juegos...

Free Ringtones meets YAXS

maxout  13-Feb-2006 15:44  7900 reads   2 Comment(s) 
hi everyone,

after 2 days of work we finally have our own ASIAN INDIAN FREE RINGTONE/WALLPAPERS/SCREENSAVERS/THEMES SITE UP......

i have just added about 200+ ringtones and palning to add about 1000 rigntones also more than 200+ wallpapers coming soon..

site has just been moded and now its...

Indian Blog directory

vrreddy  13-Feb-2006 09:57  6340 reads   5 Comment(s) 
desiBlogs.org is using XOOPS
desiBlogs.org is an Indian ablog directory and shows best of the indian blogosphere at a glance. Its just 2 days old and still work in progress.
some of the modules i used

My personal site n Xoops

Reintjan  10-Feb-2006 19:25  6049 reads   2 Comment(s) 
I've been testing many tools for building my own site and descided to use xoops for it. Although I hope there will be a genealogy module available soon all my needs for this site are available and Xoops works nd maintance with ease...

Let me know what you thnk of it: reintjan.nl

p.s. The site is...

mjeol rockin' xoops

novelidea  10-Feb-2006 06:28  6747 reads   3 Comment(s) 
MJEOL.COM is using the Xoops CMS.

MJEOL is a content rich, dual website devoted to factual, accurate and up-to-date info about Michael Jackson along with political and social commentary concerning current public events.
Resized Image

I've tried many, many cms and blog software, and Xoops is definitely the...

Hackside.com is on BBC

erzon  08-Feb-2006 12:51  6145 reads   10 Comment(s) 
Hackside.com is using xoops cms. Im happy that it was included in BBC Website collective for this week. Happy that they recognize xoops design like hackside.com

heres the link

The All New Ghana Music.com

abbey  07-Feb-2006 16:39  7480 reads   1 comment 
Ghana Music.com is one of the best music site in Africa and we are in the front of the campaign to spread Xoops in Africa.

We have recently upgraded our site to run on XOOPS and all is well with the site.

You can visit the site to see how the various modules were used. Pls feel to comment...

www.xoopstuner.com - xoops design site.

abrizan  07-Feb-2006 06:38  5572 reads   5 Comment(s) 
Xoops tuner. This is a semi-personal site I started up to help webmasters take full advantage of the layout features xoops has. XOOPS can look like anything you want it to! Be sure to check out the projects section.

Resized Image


drdesforges  05-Feb-2006 20:01  4328 reads   No comments 
Momentus Technologies is proud to announce the grand opening of its new Website.
Our mission is to help our customers deliver quality, on time and on budget. Momentus gives you the ability to integrate top IT resources to your organization quickly and efficiently by giving you access to trained...

omnetwork.net - Multimedia ressources website

hardyvoje  02-Feb-2006 19:57  5490 reads   3 Comment(s) 
The new Omnetwork.net web site, powered with Xoops 2.2 is on-line for a month and gets about 350 unique visitors per day at this moment and is growing fast.

The site has free multimedia resources and tutorials with various topics.

Thanks to Xoops team!

visit: http://www.omnetwork.net
The place where...

BUGS & KAT Our Nook on the Net

Abishai  02-Feb-2006 09:20  5221 reads   2 Comment(s) 
This is our family, and friends website. It used to be my own personal site, but then I changed careers, got married...

(Hint: check my wedding pics, the ugly one is me, and the beautiful lady is my wife!)

Please follow this link to check the site:


And don't forget to...

xoops -+site of the month january 2006+- is OPEN NOW

studioC  01-Feb-2006 19:05  5377 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Resized ImageThe first voting for this year is ready to start. Screens and voting form for month January 2006 are online and you can begin to review the nominated sites. From today on you have 3 weeks time until 23th february to choose your favourite and submit the voting form.

I’m planning to restructure...

ePhotoZ.com goes live using Xoops

kvenator  01-Feb-2006 18:13  5390 reads   5 Comment(s) 
New Page 1

Thank you Xoops team and those who contributed themes and modules. With your help, ePhotoZ.com  went live a few days ago providing digital camera owners with photo enlargement services and prints up to 30x40.

Feel free to visit and let me know what you think.  If you have any questions,...

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