Announcing XOOPSGroups: The Unofficial Guide To XOOPS Consultants, Designers, Developers & More
Xoopsgroups is set up as a directory of XOOPS consultants in a variety of areas, including core & module coders, theme designers, and XOOPS-based individuals and organizations providing relevant...
I am extremely proud to announce that my "offspring" PanhandleGateway is the recipient of The American Association of Webmasters GOLD Award for April 2006.
PanhandleGateway is my first (but not last) website using Xoops v2.2.4. A lot of learning, time and hard work went into creating this...
Import Rival has been your Online Car Show for Modified Imports since 2003. The Import Rival photo album system features the import car enthusiasts' rides on the internet 100% FREE!
This site was developed to help accomodate the growth of the sport compact and street racing enthusiast community....
elektroboard 19-Apr-2006 19:39 4336 reads No comments
Our web site opened a one year ago.
You can find electronic and technology and electronic articles, electronic program downloads, popularity links, forums, world of robots, hobby circuits analolg end digital systems, news, electronic projects, tutorials and more
We are proud to annouce the re-lauch of our soccer fans site Colo Colo. and have been since 1998 one of the first Chilean soccer clubs team fans website to appear on the internet. Colo Colo is also the most popular team in Chile and the only...
There's a whole lotta boogie in the 2TonGorilla jungle following this blog from Angela Gunn in USA Today's Tech_Space. To wit:
"Great thanks to Ubersurfer for sending this one along: Two-Ton Gorilla, a shiny new portal for links to all the tech / geek info you crave. Some smart grouping and...
Hi All, I've just finised my second website, Jordis Online using XOOPS. It's a fansite for Jordis, from the show RockStar INXS. I've used many of the basic modules plus liaise, wfsection, xoopsgallery, smartmedia, wfchannel and xm-memberstats. Cheers, Dee
As you may be aware, I have recently deployed a new Xoops site (ProcessTeam-- to demonstrate the power of Xoops in a professional engineering environment (software, electrical, mechanical, etc.) The intent of this site, from a Xoops perspective, is to...
Artwire - Student Art Community just introduced a new sweepstakes to select a finalist for the Grand Prize trip to the 2006 MTV Movie Awards. By combining C-Jay content to display the rules and a site ad with Liaise, Artwire is able accept entries all within the XOOPs framework. Artwire has also...
sifbuilder is an open source web site generator aiming to facilitate the creation of a web site with a single command instruction. sifbuilder incorporates a catalog of php programs and components, a scriptable installation framework, an automatic installer, a package management system, remote...