
3lr0n  22-Jul-2006 19:40  5690 reads   5 Comment(s) 
Overclocking.es has been finally released in its beta version.

Overclocking.es is a site focused in the overclock world for spanish-speech users.

Visit us at : http://www.overclocking.es


Knollo  21-Jul-2006 13:16  4580 reads   1 comment 
kundkimmobilien is a german website, which is occupied approximately around real estates of all kinds around the beautiful island rügen

modules: info, liaise

look here

Zoops goes Globally Oneness!

wizanda  20-Jul-2006 07:46  6661 reads   18 Comment(s) 
Wizanda - True Faith - Spiritology Oneness

Open Discussion on all Religions and Beliefs, with Spiritual books as references. Spirituality - Poetry, Links Directory, Articles, Community Chat, Forums, Books Searches, News, Downloads, Music, WebRings and your own Homepage...

This is a new Polished...

Artemis: donde el arte se contempla bajo otra luna

AlejandroMal  19-Jul-2006 21:05  4950 reads   1 comment 
Artemis: donde el arte se contempla bajo otra luna is a mexican (for now only spanish) site about Art and Culture.

The design is inspired on Piet Mondrian and developed by AracNet and the XOOPS version is 2.2.3.

Any comments are welcomed and we are open to invite spanish writers or artists...

Custom and stock - Classic and Custom Car Community Site

exbanious  15-Jul-2006 18:05  7487 reads   14 Comment(s) 
Custom and Stock is a car enthusiast community site for posting and selling your classic or custom car, communicating with other car enthusiasts, and buying/selling/trading autoparts and other car related items.

Take a look: http://www.customandstock.com


php-deluxe  14-Jul-2006 20:48  4709 reads   No comments 
zapt.de is an german movie encyclopedia.
based on xoops 2.2.4 with the fullcache and seo hack. the free theme is from xoopsdesign.com.


happy xoopsing and nice weekend

sifbuilder 1.1.0 released

e999999999  14-Jul-2006 19:27  5282 reads   No comments 
sifbuilder is a PHP web site generator supporting the declarative definition and automatic creation of operational web sites.

This release extends the sif scriptable installation framework to xoops. The following sample xoops sites have been automatically generated by sifbuilder:

Xoops.dk - Danish Xoops Support

QuickSlick  14-Jul-2006 14:12  4739 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Finally the Danish Xoops Support site is up and running.

We look forward to serving all the users of this great system at Xoops.dk , stop by and tell us what u think !

----------In Danish-----------------

Xoops.dk kører nu, så sidder ud og ærger dig over dit engelsk ikke slår til eller savner du...

SysAdminDay.ro powered by XOOPS

axl_io  13-Jul-2006 06:22  10683 reads   No comments 
System Administrator Appreciation Day in Romania is proud to be powered by XOOPS.

Website: http://www.SysAdminDay.ro/

DanceOrigin Grand Opening

streetwalkin  13-Jul-2006 02:53  4156 reads   2 Comment(s) 
DanceOrigin.com (formally known as streetwalkn.com) a site dedicated to teaching dance through free lesson videos has recently reopened dedicated to spreading knowledge of dance for free. The site now runs fully on xoops and now has 68 videos in the download module.
The videos consist...

Kuniba kai Sweden now in XOOPS

dargosch  10-Jul-2006 18:45  5865 reads   2 Comment(s) 

I would just like to tell you all that the website of Kuniba kai Sweden has been sucessfully converted to XOOPS. The modules used are:

* Content (multiple instances)
* news
* Sitemap
* xcgal
* myalbum (for random images on the frontpage)
* three instances of TinyD
* xfguestbook
* newbb
* laise

BurnOutPC.com, been using Xoops for years now

modkid  09-Jul-2006 23:09  4537 reads   3 Comment(s) 
BurnOutPC was founded in 2001 when sites like Geocities and Homestead were becoming more popular because users were able to create their own free homepage. At that time casemodding was something new and spectacular.

BurnOutPC.com dates out of that time when there were not that many sites for...

New XOOPS based site "Strut Your Stuff"

wwolpmann  07-Jul-2006 23:25  5300 reads   9 Comment(s) 
Welcome to Strut Your Stuff
Strut Your Stuff is an online community that lets you meet friends, guys, gals or couples with similar interests.


superrich.de - the highscore of billionaire

php-deluxe  07-Jul-2006 18:42  4972 reads   1 comment 
superrich.de is an german xoops portal with the topic billionaire and their life.

its based on xoops 2.2.4 with seo and fullcache hack.


nice weekend and happy xoopsing


ncodes  06-Jul-2006 07:50  6408 reads   10 Comment(s) 
nGallery is my personal photo gallery based on Xoops 2.0.14. ye can visit from HERE. i'm uploading my photos weekly.

Resized Image
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