whttp://www.linuxwagga.com has decided to build an xoops bases site with linux and Xoops info Available. Please feel free to join and submit your links, use the forums or add your own news feeds. We also have a FREE mail service with a Goal of K.I.S.S (keep it simple stupid). Hope you enjoy the new...
I'm very proud to launch the new XOOPSPRO website with a new look and theme. The goal of this website is to propose a professional approach for the XOOPS community and customers. For the moment the XOOPSPRO activities turn around the following subjects :
A new complex german xoops-Portal is launched, which uses lot’s of modules and a 2-level navigation with highlighting. Also included is an amazon aStore by using a modified myiframe-module. The site is an online-mag and community for supporting new concepts and consciousness for peace and unity...
I'm happy to let you know I was able to start my own place using XOOPS With just a little experience and even less PHP skills I think XOOPS allowed me to set up a nice site.
Skinnalicious is dedicated to modifying your desktop by supplying skins and visual themes for Windowblinds,...
At last i am finish intergated this template to xoops. Previously this is community website but now become as Web Hosting Provider.. Thanks to all my partner who giving a lot of support and idea.. http://www.Zidonline.Net
The site was developed with the muscle car enthusiast in mind. The purpose of the site is to provide a place for muscle car fans to gather, share information, stories, photos, and whatever shifts their gears.
xoops-magazine.com presents the "Conga Award" in German. == The Conga drums - a synonym for communication - are the name giver for an Award, which considers now finally the whole of the congress and conference industry. Event is more than only creativity and acting of the agencies; Event means...
I've recreated a theme for my LenoirMind :: art & (web) design portal and I've also modified the excellent Smartsection module into a -well- smartersection module. It now uses the metakeywords as a means to do flexible crosslinking between items within smartsection, but it...