is a german movie encyclopedia and has a new theme and new functions. Based on xoops 2.2.4 with the fullcache and seo hack. The nice free theme is from
This message is from rabideau & carnuke and is distributed to, and; we hope you will find this type of communique useful. We hope this will be the first of an approximately monthly update posting from the goings on at:
A new site for the Greek Molosser dogs. Now is only in Greek language but English version is under construction.
Molosser is a name for a group comprising several breeds of large, solidly-built dogs, probably all descended from the same root stock. The name derives from Molossia, a country once...
I have recently finished this Wii Fan site built on xoops. I am still fairly new to xoops so im still learning but I am very pleased with the results so far. Let me know what you think see it here Wii Plaza
We are very pleased to announce the Grand Opening of; HelpXOOPS is an independent website provided to support and enhance the greater " XOOPS" community (XOOPS and XOOPScube) experience. Both developers and users alike will find many...
We have created a legal funny downaload site within one hour with Xoops. We'are only using News 1.53 and Xmmemberstats modules. With 2 simple module and a very simple but powerfull template we builded our ste in one hour with Xoops 2.0.15. It showed us that we could build lots of professional...
Long-time Alpharetta, Georgia resident, web designer, and part-owner of a children's party entertainment company announces the "soft" launch of a new website -!
"This website is for finding everything you need to put on a children's party - of any kind!", said Kelly...
Fellow XOOPSers, it is my great pleasure to announce the first promotion of INBOX International’s XOOPS Professional Services! In order to allow more people to benefit from the great INBOX services many XOOPS users around the world have come to enjoy, we are offering the first 10 people /...
The current form of Star Trek: A Call to Duty (ACTD) has evolved greatly since its original inception in 1995. Once a fledgling organization on a private online network known as vTrek, the only online role-playing game ever endorsed by Paramount Digital Entertainment is a large and diverse group...
That's it. On development but almost finished. XOOPS rock solid again, using latest (2.13) Smartsection, a Multimenu, Formulaire, TinyContent (GIJoe "clanable" modification) and Contact module combined with Security Image to avoid SPAM.
In fact, all info could have been managed with Smartsection...
Floola is a freeware application to efficiently manage your iPod or your Motorola mobile phone (any model supporting iTunes). It can be run directly from your iPod and needs no installation under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. Floola supports all most common used features including...