I’m happy to announce that our german Social Network works with XOOPS – 2.3.2b.
I've used the follow XOOPS modules:
- For the Blog the news Modul - For the Netzwerk the yogurt Modul (waiting for the new profile Modul by alfred ) - For the Downloads the wfdownloads Modul - For the Forum the newbb...
Hi, All Xoopers! I Recently launched my new website, because i'm persian & theres is no other persian website that serve free web tools in persian, i decided to design it & because xoops is a good platform to build a new custom website, i did it with xoops! i made some modules & designed the...
I've opened a new website called Link-Market.net. Link-Market.net is website for backlink market traders. You can trade your links online and pay and/or get paid by paypal. You need to put a PHP or ASP code to your website in order to be part of Link-Market's customer base. Here is the...
marcetmaud 08-Feb-2009 16:00 5463 reads No comments
Hello everybody,
Here is what I did recently-the site of the rugby school of Oloron in the Pyrenees Atlantiques -labelled FFR 2006.
The site is comprehensive and permanently nourished by writers from the school who have learnt how to use the site on this very occasion.You'll find photos and videos...
This site will help you to discover the regions of the world, their history, and their nature through women and men who created it. You'll discover people who fought for projects, ideas: they built cities, universities, and institutions. They are Presidents, directors, artists, inventors ......