I'm happy to present the XOOPS Community my new XOOPS Site from my painter company Maler Seidel, is working now under XOOPS-2.3.3 without any problems.
After a while of testing, we're ready to fully launch the NightQuest Software website.
On our site, we're using several techniques we hadn't used before: jQuery (in XOOPS 2.3.3), making it possible to use a lightbox (we've chosen for Slimbox).
Hi, everyone - I'm pleased to announce that we just recently launched a beta version of our new site, Nonprofit Local. This our second xoops site, following Pluff Mud Connect.
Programming was done by Simon Roberts of Chronolabs (wishcraft), Marc-Andre Lanciault, and Ted Schaefer, our own personal...
The Extraterrestrial Embassy represent all of life on earth from beyond the external distance of the last orbiting planetoid with-in the solar system which contains earth. Currently ETE representation is on a small scale...
This is a simple website made in Xoops. To be more precise, made in 5 hours. I'm posting this here just to show how quick and easy Xoops can be, besides very powerful and reliable. And flexible. And it's getting better everyday!
A new theme for an old site (2006) : http://www.wollbook.com I hope you will like it and his content.
Note : original template is "quite a standard" (already available for wordpress, dotclear and other) and called Notepad-chaos. It will be shared with Xoopers soon