Electric Skillet "XOOPified"

jascha  25-May-2002 08:42  4467 reads   No comments 
I have replaced my old Electric Skillet website with a modified XOOPS install. I am still adding all the content but there are many wallpapers and more already available. The 436 avatars I am using will be made available for download in the next few days for those interested. Along with a few...

Yet another site XOOP'd

Spiguy  18-May-2002 06:02  3487 reads   4 Comment(s) 
Join us at Fantasy Asylum for your fantasy football needs. We ae continuing to add stuff but it is coming along.

We love this software. I really needed something like this last year. Keep up the good work guys.

Anyone up for building me a scores module? Basically, a module that would pull in...

XoopsModule.de is Born...

hallo_ihr_da  03-May-2002 12:16  3228 reads   No comments 
Hi there,
The German XoopsModul Community is born.
Here you will the German Versions of Interesting Moduls.
Just for XoopsAdmins and XoopsUsers . Here you can find Discussions, Help, Modules, Hacks and more for XooPs.
Just take a look at : The German Xoops Modul Community
The Webmaster Team...

New PC Assistance Xoops Site w/YaBB Forum

CP  15-Apr-2002 14:59  5675 reads   No comments 
We've recently integrated Xoops into our PC assistance site that was forum based.
I am pleased to say we love the look, feel, and functionality of this portal.

Xoops on Courspied.com running french site

trollix  12-Apr-2002 21:34  3513 reads   No comments 
I have just finished installing XOOPS switching back from PostNuke successfully at http://www.coursapied.com french running site. It seems to be more fast than older. Need to do more tests to confirm before installing my cache system.

Two new Xoops sites!

matta  10-Apr-2002 16:12  4138 reads   No comments 
Hi. I have recently gone live with two sites based on Xoops. The first is BoliviaHoy.com, a redesign of the spanish language portal for Bolivia and the country's most popular meta-news site.

XOOPS at an educational institution

azaidi  02-Apr-2002 17:15  3836 reads   No comments 
I have just finished installing XOOPS successfully at http://www.thames-portal.com. It's just great software and with a bit of work it can be customized to many environments. Great work, XOOPS developers !

Admin DEMO up!

jascha  25-Mar-2002 20:17  11403 reads   No comments 
Digioso Hosting has put up a Xoops Demo site for people to test out the Admin functions of Xoops. Please be responsible and don't abuse the demo. We will be reseting it periodically. There is also the Alternative Section module to test along with others we find useful. (More modules will be...


Anonymous  22-Mar-2002 12:08  3493 reads   No comments 
New website of mobile telephone.
Tricks, news, programs, melodies. All envelope mobile telephones.


My first Xoops-based-Site

zwergnas  18-Mar-2002 14:44  3559 reads   No comments 
Hi there,
I just started my first Site based on Xopps. If you would like to take a look at:

news url for inconnue team

inconnue_team  16-Mar-2002 20:58  3488 reads   No comments 
You can, please , find henceforth Unknown Team here!
Ps: and it is damage that I can not me paid a paying hebergeur
News url - > http://membres.lycos.fr/costeam/modules/news/

Lucid Networks - www.lucidnetworks.ca

madraver  12-Mar-2002 18:22  3677 reads   No comments 
I have been working long and hard on a PC news and user group web site.

New professional Xoops based site

c00t  08-Mar-2002 16:33  3995 reads   No comments 
I've just finished setting up Xoops for my small UK based website development company at http://www.rwatt.co.uk , it has been fairly heavily hacked (especially the sections module), and features a programmed-from-scratch gallery script (uses the database, supports categories with unlimited...

Maclegion Is Here!

David  05-Mar-2002 06:33  3793 reads   No comments 
As some of you may know I have been working long and hard on a Macintosh news and user group web site. It is finally open. We hope to establish a great site with loyal users while bringing you the most up2date news on the web.


WizarDave  02-Mar-2002 01:08  3673 reads   No comments 
OnLine Christian Community

Now using Xoops and loving it
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