Zone Mondiale

ethop  31-Aug-2003 16:24  1304 reads   1 comment 
A new website running on Xoops:
It's a french Alternative Webzine (since 2001). Before it was realised with attila PHP but xoops is more powerfull .
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Harmonious Raspberry goes to Xoops2

Linda  30-Aug-2003 14:54  1448 reads   No comments 
Harmonious Raspberry is a site that I run that is devoted to my personal interests. Primarily it is a way for me to share my photos with friends and family but it's also starting to become an outlet for some writing.

For the last year, it has run on Xoops 1.3.x and recently I finally upgraded to...

Road Rush implements Xoops

vanvan  29-Aug-2003 19:32  1257 reads   No comments 
Over the course of the past week, the crew at newly created performance car web magazine Road Rushhave been working away at integrating the amazing Xoops CMS into their plans for the website.

While it only takes a quick glance to see that we've still got a fair amount of work ahead of us, we...

New Xoops Site; Netskipper.com

Samy-Net  28-Aug-2003 23:47  1266 reads   No comments 
So it's done! I've rebuild my site with Xoops since two month, and officially open it today! Some things are not finished yet, but the site is fonctionnal. Many thanks to the fabulous Xoops tool and to all developpers. I've searched since many month for a tools like this, wich allow me to build...

www.arma-sa.com : a new baby is born !

solo71  28-Aug-2003 08:43  1581 reads   No comments 
Yep, another Xoops Site : http://www.arma-sa.com.

This site is in preparation for more than one month now, and even though it is not finished yet, you can visit us and give us your impressions.

For the story, my boss wanted to develop his own website, for his DIY company, following customers...

French Portal for Detectives Privates

ragondin  17-Aug-2003 21:33  3620 reads   No comments 
interdetective.net the first gate Internet for the detectives private in French and soon in other languages.


XOOPS in Iran

azeini  16-Aug-2003 12:27  1959 reads   No comments 
linuxiran.org! is probably Iran's second site to use XOOPS. The first one most probably being amitis.org or iranphp.net, whichever came first.
linuxiran.org! and both of the other sites currently use the default theme, till we find/create a suitable theme.
iranphp.net offers a Farsi version of...

Xoops in Spain. New Goverment Sponsored Site.

alfem  14-Aug-2003 13:01  2468 reads   4 Comment(s) 
We've released a new Xoops site from AndalucĂ­a (Spain).

It's about a Debian Linux version, called
Guadalinex, sponsored & backed by the Regional Government.

We've made a nice chat module. We hope you like it!


Land of Legends - Ultima Online

Spazm  06-Aug-2003 11:06  1864 reads   5 Comment(s) 
The best CMS - XOOPS, on the online game server. Original Theme design.

Site only on russian yet.
Land of Legends - Ultima Online.


Smart Automation, Inc.

chrisz  02-Aug-2003 21:56  1697 reads   No comments 
I recently discovered XOOPS and I have to say it is the absolute BEST CMS I have seen. I've tried many others to get my site up and running and there was always something I hated about it or it just lacked the functionality I required. I'm not an expert programmer and find my way through code...


millian  01-Aug-2003 22:51  1593 reads   1 comment 

Our radio program, The Millian Show is set to go national this fall. Built entirely in Xoops at http://www.millian.com

Feedback and visitors would be greatly appreciated.




talunceford  30-Jul-2003 23:01  1681 reads   No comments 
Well here is a little sample for you guys of my latest site done with Xoops.


I am finally getting into the 2.0.3 series of Xoops, and I have to say that I love it. Especially the themeing capability. "What, you are just now getting around to using 2.0.3" you ask, to which...

12Game.Com online - Xoops to the Max!!

Megatron  29-Jul-2003 09:16  1910 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Hi Guy's

First of all i like to compliment all the Xoops developers, because of you guy's i was able to build this very nice game website.

I created a new theme and customized the forum, icons, avatars and all, if someone needs some help with new themes for a xoops website... please let me know!!...

neXTCommerce gone Online with Xoops !

mzanier  26-Jul-2003 00:27  5378 reads   No comments 
Offizial support Site for neXTCommerce shopping software (GPL) gone online with Xoops 2.0.2.
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neXTCommerce is and Opensource shop Software based on osCommerce.

Check it out at nextcommerce.de

Long live GPL,
neXTCommerce Dev

New Auction Sellers Online Community

sebans  23-Jul-2003 16:20  1817 reads   No comments 
The Official online sellers and buyers community of the free listing Auction Site sellatonce.com now runs on xoops, please check it out here



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