We'd like to welcome you to a new Xoops-based site dedicated to an exploration of pop star Michael Jackson - music, history, resources - and, at the moment, the serious legal issues revolving around his arrest on child molestation charges.
Today finally we have launched the XOOPS Mexican Support website, this website tries to be the place of encounter of the community of XOOPS users in Mexico and all hispanic world. We are in the domain http://www.xoopsmx.com where you can enter and find all type of help with the other users.
vFBL is a Virtual Railway System using Microsoft's Train Simulator. It has been running XOOPS since 1st May 2003 with no major problems. http://www.vfbl.com Login using test1 with a password test1
I just wanted to announce the creation of this 2 websites with xoops 2.0.5 and to say that I'm available to do professional sites to anyone interested:
Our slogon: Use XOOPS, Hack XOOPS & Enjoy XOOPS. It's a Chinese site with many xoops modules or core hacks. Some hacks there: 1. large image auto-resizing. 2. Diferent theme layout in diferent module. 3. Integrate WYSWYG Editor to news module. 4. "new" and "hot" tags. etc.
You should say Thanks for all XOOPS Developer for the best CMS
now i have open my new arabic site DndoN its the good example for using XOOPS
ARABIC xoops 1.3 users you can download all the modules and themes from this link but you have to login for security reason SOON will ADD supoort for xoops 2
i changed the theme last night [no more pieces of trees in the future ] and i hope that you still like it. I hope, that the old xf-theme will come for download if i find the time... [it makes more, more fun to create new ones]..
We're proud to present (after a lot of hard work) a new dutch support site for Xoops. All the insects are out and the site's online. We've used to work with PhpNuke but made the big step to Xoops and with no regret!!
as part of a project concerning drinking water quality between indonsia and german technical cooperation (deutsche gesellschaft für technische zusammenarbeit, gtz), the internet portal http://www.penyehatan-air-depkes.com was launched. this xoops-site is part of an information managment system...