We are pleased to announce the birth of Beatlessweden.com. The site is dedicated to all people in Sweden (and of course outside Sweden as well) that enjoy the Beatles era. We believe that Beatles had so much more to give us than just good records. We strongly believe...
Believe the Unbelievable http://www.iulio.as.ro We are online and from 1 week we use Xoops...and we believe that Xoops is the best! Join my Xoops Community (DeadGoose Organization): http://www.iulio.as.ro at section .: Login! Register! Join Us! Many Downloads for everibody ... Thanks for your...
After a hectic 2 weeks of development and testing Virtue Park is now open.
Virtue Park is an online community aiming to provide users of all kind access to a large database of knowledge in the form of forums, tutorials, articles and downloads.
We also supply Free PHP + MySQL enabled hosting for...
Since one year we´re online, and the last 6 months using Xoops with Koundanshi´s IPB module. Our portal provides actual news in computers, music, sports, and gives help in new technologies throught specifical forums on topics like hardware,...
With 4 years in straight HTML web design, I thought I would dive into PHP. I tried PHP Nuke first of all & I didn't like it at all. A friend recommended trying Xoops & I love it! My site has lots of information about the website design business I run,the online chat that I have been a member of...
I've been working on this site for a couple of months now. Finally, last night, I found a theme that was almost the exact colors that I had been looking at. So, {drum roll please}, I'd like to announce YAXS - ChristianWAHM.com.
This site is to compliment an already existing community of Christian...
I am pleased to announce the completed release of Kaizoku-Fansubs version 2.0, now based on the Xoops 2 engine. Features include a pretty heavily modified style, some template changes, a bittorrent tracker, and IRC Bot Listings.
Dedicated to subtitling the Japanese Animation "One Piece" the group...
We play several games and have been around for over 2 years but our members have a longer history together. At one point or another we have used phpnuke, postnuke, md-pro, and ipb, but we have finally found a CMS that meets our needs! The Xoops Team...
Here you can find dogs, cats, horses and other animals, that need a wet nurse or are wet nurses. It's already mentioned in the actual print of the german "Deutsches Tierärtzeblatt" and will be on TV on February or March on german TV 3sat!
Error500 is a spanish site about internet, blogging, Google, software and P2P. It has many resources (downloads, links) and information every day since Abril of 2003. It is made only with Xoops and now we thingkiing about improve it with some modules.
Our newly revised site http://fbctogether.org is now opened to anyone wishing to become a Registered FBCT Couples Support Group member/user. We offer two forms of membership:
1. Website membership (Web Only)
2. Active Support Group and Website membership (Full Membership)