ExtremeAMD is the premier AMD Fan site dedicated to giving you the best about the best! Brought officially on-line on November 1st 2004, ExtremeAMD hopes to become one of the most well known PC hardware sites! With reviews, upto date news on the latest hardware, forums, reviews, mods and more!
I am pleased to announce a new XOOPS website Envision-IT. This site uses what I think is an innovation in style sheets:
- All Left & Right Menu Blocks appear on the Right hand side (right float) - Center Left(CL) and Center Right(CR) Blocks spilt the top half of the Main Text area (leftfloat) -...
A remodified site using xoops has been added to the web. A local station located Waterbury, CT is providing the latest christian news from events to music. Check it out at http://radiorefugio.com. Let me know what you think.
The primary idea of this website was to create à mod space for Star Wars Battlefront. But for some reasons it turned to be a database place for all star wars fans out there...
A small ICT News & Reviews site named NeoDesign Technology has been relaunched, now using a new and much improved interface brought to you by XOOPS and forums ported from our old system thanks to Koudanshi's phpBB port.
Comments and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. There's still some...
Hi everyone! My brother and I created this website sometime ago, but has only recently been configured to allow public access. It is for a religious organisation in New Zealand. Please let me know what you think about the design, etc.
We are proud to announce the birth of a new french XOOPS Site. Showtime is a Show Business Agency who presents a lot of Artists and Shows (Music, Dance, Magicians, Circus, etc...). We found in XOOPS the best way to promote our activity on the Web. Visit us on http://showtime.acl-multimedia.com
500+ Royalty Free Photos with 300 px/inch resolution and an image size of 1280x960 px....Each and every image is absolutely free for use in COMMERCIAL/PERSONAL projects...and best of all, you don't need to give us credit or provide a backlink for using any of these images.
I have just launched my new site called Intense Network. It is basicly one main site with subsites added on to it. The little sites are, Film, Music, Gaming, Forensic, Sport and Graphics. I still need to add more content and most of the headers are only temp until I make better ones.
teacherma 01-Nov-2004 05:27 3699 reads No comments
As a return to the Xoops community, ClassmateDirect.com is now providing FREE download on the following 2 amazing PDFs to help Xoopers manage a HIGHEST ranking website. The higher the ranking, the more the traffic.
Your Xoops website will be ranking within Top 100,000 at Alexa in no time. Only...