Albanian Portal with xoops

albogenius  09-Dec-2010 21:46  4259 reads   5 Comment(s) 
What do you think about this web http://www.kercova.net

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Also with yogurt inside.

Marble and Granite website from Brazil

lmzan  07-Dec-2010 11:59  5288 reads   16 Comment(s) 

I'm glad to share with the community a new website powered by XOOPS.


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Here's an internal page...

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The modules are:
- News 1.66
- Mastop Publish 1.1
- Mastop Go2
- Liaise 1.27
- Latest News 0.72

Hope you like it!

Handicarauto site developed with XOOPS

tatane  25-Nov-2010 13:59  3692 reads   3 Comment(s) 
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Handicarauto is a FREE classifieds site entirely dedicated to vehicles for handicap

You can sell all kinds of vehicles:

* Berline

* Monospace

* 4x4

but also any equipment related to automotive equipment for the disabled (swivel seat, accelerator and brake at the wheel, loading...

Professor Al Turaiki launched his personal website powered ...

mariane  19-Nov-2010 19:58  12474 reads   6 Comment(s) 
Professor Mohamed Al-Turaiki, a Saudi national who professor of disability and orthopaedic bio engineering, launched his personal website in 2 languages by adopting XOOPS 2.4.5 , and by using the following modules:

- Publisher
- Extgallery 1.07
- TDMDownloads 1.5
- Xfguestbook 2.5
- Mydownloads 1.6

Red Mexico got new Theme

Mamba  15-Nov-2010 23:09  4084 reads   7 Comment(s) 
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Our friend and supporter, Eduardo Cortés (BitC3R0), has redesigned his Website:


and it looks fantastic!

Of course, we're not surprised, since he also designed the current XOOPS Website, after winning a contest among XOOPS Designers.

Eduardo is not only a great theme...

Doček Nove godine is redesigned

bjuti  31-Oct-2010 17:56  5102 reads   5 Comment(s) 
Doček Nove godine (New Year in Belgrade, Serbia) is redesigned.

The main goal of Doček Nove godine is to collect all new year party events in Belgrade (Serbia), and travel agency offers for traveling outside Serbia for holidays.

Last year we had huge interest for our website, so we consider it and...

SamOcean Design chooses XOOPS for www.SamOcean.com

SamOcean  18-Oct-2010 05:51  3225 reads   1 comment 
We just created our new site: http://www.SamOcean.com.

We've chosen XOOPS because it is really best CMS portal system.

The site is in three languages English, Turkish, Russian.

Please visit our site, write your thoughts and comments about the site - your feedback its important to us .

We hope you...

Free Xoops School Web Page Protect

hacamat  06-Oct-2010 10:13  3904 reads   No comments 
Hi. I was created http://www.bedavaokulsitesi.com project, you can download full ftp and mysql database files.

The Xoops School Project

There are "how can I do install it?" videos.

The project http://www.xoops-tr.com For Turkish Edition.

12 minutes ready!

Fast Installation Video (Turkish):

PowerFrag.FM - Developed in XOOPS

iunderwood  26-Sep-2010 13:07  4897 reads   7 Comment(s) 
XOOPS Community,

After what has been an extremely long time in development, of around 4 or so years, I'd like to present the community with one of my XOOPS creations: PowerFrag.FM (PF, for short).

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PF is a small online radio station which specializes in streaming video game soundtracks. This has...

Wind of Change : new website running on XOOPS

mariane  26-Sep-2010 10:58  4171 reads   3 Comment(s) 
the "Wind of Change" music band, is pleased to announce you their new website running on XOOPS 2.4.5
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Modules used to build this website :

-- Publisher (to broadcast the band news)

-- Contact 1.07

-- Extgallery to show band's picutres

-- Mytube to show videos

-- Sitemap

-- Mymenus

-- Protector

with 3 new...

Graneroverde : a new website based on XOOPS

mariane  03-Sep-2010 15:40  5358 reads   4 Comment(s) 
hello Xoopsers,

I am happy to share with you a new Lebanese website I created, based on XOOPS 2.4.5. It's Graneroverde, a small touristic project in the Lebanese mountains.

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First, a big thanks for Mage, nikita, and Mowaffaq for their precious helps to do many necessary hacks for modules.



semihs  03-Sep-2010 13:37  5596 reads   5 Comment(s) 
Turkish Bankasya 1. League football team "Mersin İdmanyurdu" is using XOOPS 2.4.5. http://www.mersinidmanyurdu.org

Modules used:
TplLeague Status

We are urgenly looking for smooth gallery which can be integrate by our news module inorder to show our first 5 news in a...

TopVisitas, promote your web

mintsteven  28-Aug-2010 21:08  4261 reads   No comments 
Free promote your website in Topvisitas.co.cc

Modules also translate into Spanish

Visit us at http://www.topvisitas.co.cc

[In Spanish:]

Promociona tu Web libremente en Topvisitas.co.cc

Traducimos modulos al Español

Visitanos en http://www.topvisitas.co.cc

Xoops 2.4.4



New design portals Zepce.Ba

Albin  27-Aug-2010 20:43  5298 reads   4 Comment(s) 
See the new look website Zepca.Ba
Used the modules news, newbb, myAlbumP, yogurt and other ...

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Be sure to see the new templates for the block in News section on the front page. Please ask you to leave your comments ...

irmob.com updated with new theme

irmob  27-Aug-2010 16:20  4722 reads   3 Comment(s) 
We design new theme for irmob.com with xoops 2.4.5

There is big resource for mobile phone application, news and mobile review

Visit Site: http://www.irmob.com

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Module used:
Smart section
my album

Special Thanks of Voltan the administrator of Persian XOOPS support for...
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