Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is ranked 165 in the QS international rating among 200 best Universities in the world and it is the leading University in Central Asia. In the international community, this achievement is called “the phenomenon of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University". Modules...
I'm very happy to announce that is now open! is a premium resources centre. This means that, on the site, you'll find a selection of best themes, modules, plugins and other elements, commercial end free. Currently, the site is in the early stage, so only the...
A new theme, based on Ethernial has been created for by Eduardo Cortés. The new theme includes full integration with Formulize, a module designed for forms creation and reports on the web. Another relevant feature of this new site, is a new Landing Page for
Back in November 2014 I've started working with my coder from Italy on moving ocaholic to the xBootstrap theme. Meanwhile we've almost done everything we wanted to. There are some things in the forums we still want to change and there are also some minor changes to the way Publisher looks. Apart...