Because of IPB, Inc has been charging us the cost for using IPB 2.0 Final, our X-IPBM F200 will not be free on this site ( and can not be downloaded (because I don't have permission to distribute them for use freely anymore).
Today we got a note from one of the Gentoo Linux developers that XOOPS is now available through the Gentoo Portage application. This means that Gentoo Linux users can simply install XOOPS by typing 'emerge xoops'. Can't be much easier then that
Since its launch three months ago, has enjoyed a bit of success. We are averaging over 1,000 unique visitors a month. We hope that our visitors have benefited from our contents.
We are calling for tips from the community. If you are posting a tip in the Xoops forums, please also...
Fellow Xoopsers, I am very pleased to announce that the Documentation Site is finally OPEN ! The pile of dusty books have now been replaced with a relaxing but informative front page. We hope you enjoy your view ...
What will you find here? A place for everything related to Xoops Documentation...
After an upgrade at the hosting company i found out that Xoops is now part of the Ensim Powertools package for the Ensim WeBB Appliance pro 4.0 version. This means Xoops is added and just 1 click away for many users around the world. The package is available for Linux and Windows.
When we started CMS Find we contacted developers of content management systems. The Xoops Community was the first to respond with worldwide support for the CMS Find project. As of 15 July you have 64 web sites in the Xoops category. Thank you for your listings. To add more websites just visit us...
Patent 6,745,238 was awarded to Oracle in June; it is titled "self service system for web site publishing." "The web site system permits a site administrator to construct the overall structure, design and style of the web site. This allows for a comprehensive design as well as a common look and...
christian 11-Jun-2004 07:29 4184 reads No comments
The ABUL associatin (Association Bordelaise des Utilisateurs de Logiciels Libres) organises his 5th "Rencontres mondiales du logiciel libre" (Free Software World Meeting) (RMLL 2004).
This meeting will take place from the 6th to the 10th of July 2004 in Bordeaux (France). This year, the theme...
Summary : - Editorial - Les mésaventures de Xoops Modules - Un évènement exceptionnel - Le module du mois - Un peu de vulgarisation - Interview du mois - Comment...
I have published Xoops documentation in the form of an e-book called XoopsForDummies. This e-book is in exe format and compatible with Windows. I am working on a pdf format version.
We at have been running xoops for just over 12 months now. It has been rubbing with no major problems other than a admin screw up...