Developer News

The XOOPS group on Facebook !

marcan  21-Sep-2007 00:10  5755 reads   2 Comment(s) 
The XOOPS group on Facebook !It is my great pleasure to announce that a XOOPS group has been created on Facebook to create connections between XOOPSers of the world ! If you are interested, simply access this group here, or do a quick search for XOOPS in Facebook. Hope to see you there ! Cheers !
Developer News

Freeform Solutions is hiring a Junior Web Developer

jegelstaff  18-Jul-2007 18:06  4306 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Freeform Solutions is looking for a Junior Web Developer to join our team.

If you are a XOOPS expert in Toronto or Ottawa, Canada, please check out our job posting here:

Deadline is August 3, 2007.

Freeform Solutions is a...
Developer News

Xoops Mod Dev is alive and kicking

chippyash  15-Jul-2007 21:27  4843 reads   5 Comment(s) 
Following D.J's (phppp) decision to blank module development, a new site, has been born. All module developers are invited to join the site.

What's it about?

Simple really: Its a home for module developers to manage their work. It's new, the PM side of things is still being...
Developer News

PHP5 and MYSQL5 Questionnaire results

chippyash  15-Apr-2007 07:01  133617 reads   3 Comment(s) 
The results for this questionnaire are out. (See here for the original article, where you can still add your voice.)

In brief, some 70% or respondents are currently using PHP5 with the rest expecting to o over to it in the next 12 months. Only 40% of respondents are using MySQL5 and most of the...
Developer News

Questionnaire regarding Supporting PHP5 and MySQL5

chippyash  09-Jan-2007 18:07  6295 reads   12 Comment(s) 
Following Mithrandir's release of the excellent SmartProfile module for Xoops 2.0.16, the question of which version of PHP (and to some extent MySQL) should we as Xoops devs (both core and module) be supporting, has arisen.

To help in determining who is running what and where, and more...
Developer News

Freeform Solutions is hiring a Web Developer

jegelstaff  15-Dec-2006 03:43  6243 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Freeform Solutions is very excited to announce that we have a full time, six month position open for a XOOPS developer/webmaster! For two and a half years, we have been using XOOPS as the backbone of the website consulting part of our business in the not-for-profit sector, and the time has come...
Developer News

[refused, bender; no real content at time of visit and not ...

AcTiViSt  01-Aug-2006 15:39  606 reads   No comments 
Advance, Enhance and Improve Nuke ( is currently recruiting for staff. We are looking for developers of all skill and commitment levels as well as moderators and basic admin/steering staff.

The site covers the 3 main flavours of the CMS; PHP-Nuke, Post Nuke and, of course, the...
Developer News

Xoops Jobs at

chippyash  19-Jun-2006 19:05  10540 reads   No comments is pleased to offer the Xoops community a method of securing the right people for the job. Our Jobs ads section for registered users of the site will give you access to a world of talent and opportunity.

Simple line adverts can be placed free of charge for those seeking work....
Developer News

SourceForge CVS Changes

gstarrett  14-May-2006 04:07  7772 reads   11 Comment(s) 
Attention users and developers who access the XOOPS source code through SourceForge's CVS services:
SourceForge has just completed rolling out a new CVS architecture, which affects the way we access the CVS servers. The hostname for CVS access has changed to "".

Developer News

PHP on Oracle

dap997  13-Mar-2006 20:37  6731 reads   2 Comment(s) 
As usual i have small info about PHP and ORACLE.
If someone need it here
is small tutorial for Oracle XE and PHP(this version is free).

Have a fun
Developer News

WF-Projects is joining SmartFactory

Bender  19-Nov-2005 15:37  9545 reads   23 Comment(s) 
We like to inform you that effective immediately WF-Projects is joining into Marcans SmartFactory with most of the WF-Modules.

Against all our affords we have not been able to deliver new releases of some of the most favored modules for quite some time. Although a lot of rewriting to put the...
Developer News opens its doors!

phpfreelance  11-Oct-2005 17:46  4936 reads   No comments 
This is just a short announcement to hail the arrival of:

The site is also known as and caters for all things PHP.
Developer News

Xoops 2.2 code documentation published at

sevak  23-Aug-2005 20:49  6417 reads   10 Comment(s) has published xoops 2.2 code documentation. It uses phpxref version of documentation. Referenced xoops code is available as part of doc.Doc is searchable for classes, function, variable and constants used in code. It will be valuable resource for xoops beginner. Experienced developers...
Developer News

FCKeditor 2.0 Final for XOOPS 2.2

phppp  10-Aug-2005 18:57  22588 reads   55 Comment(s) 
The FCKeditor 2.0 Final for XOOPS 2.2 is released.


1 unzip the package and upload to XOOPS_ROOT/class/xoopseditor/
2 image/flash browse is disabled at this moment
3 flash button is enabled....
Developer News

Slight Delay in XOOPS 2.2 Release

Mithrandir  23-Jun-2005 19:16  3769 reads   4 Comment(s) 
XOOPS 2.2 was supposed to be released on June 30th (according to the Roadmap
but unfortunately, you will have to wait another week for that.

We are close to announcing the CVS Nightly to be ready for beta testing, but it will not be until this weekend that we will make that announcement.

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