Developer News

Interview of Mage by ArabXOOPS Community

mariane  10-Oct-2010 09:14  10675 reads   5 Comment(s) 
The Arabxoops Community was pleased to interview Mage in the monthly newsletters.
to meet this creative and modest person more and to benefit from his experience in XOOPS.
Below the english version of the interview :

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Who’s Mage?
My name is Gregory Mage, I am from Switzerland and I live in a small...
Developer News

"Web Tools" Package 0.9 is released

kris_fr  23-Sep-2010 13:34  6943 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Added one new tool for manage virtual desktop (VirtualWin) to complete the package, which already contained text editors (Notepad + +, Kompozer), a Css editor (Oiky Editor), a web browser (Opera), tools for images (Gimp, PicPick), FTP transfer (Filezilla), a client Svn (subcommander), a tool...
Developer News

Tutorial - Build a CSS 3 Main Menu

kaotik  13-Aug-2010 15:50  8808 reads   1 comment 
Learn how to create a cool main menu using css 3 features.
Developer News

TXMod Developer

timgno  19-May-2010 16:35  5709 reads   3 Comment(s) 
A new website is online TXMod with new graphics to download themes and modules

link txmod:

link directory xoops:

Developer News

Jquery Tutorial: Binding to future events

kaotik  01-Apr-2010 13:30  11616 reads   10 Comment(s) 
This tutorial will teach you the benefits of $.live() and how to pass a smarty template with ajax.

What is future binding?
This is relatively a new problem created with the advent of ajax calls. The best way to understand it is with a practical example:
Developer News

Help Testing PDO Database Support

wishcraft  31-Mar-2010 04:29  4985 reads   10 Comment(s) 
Have you ever wanted to run XOOPS on something apart from MySQL?

I have been doing some research since the start of this forum post and have fitted now the PDO to XOOPS 2.5 Beta.

This is right now just a research project for possible inclusion with 2.6 series, but I need some help with testing as...
Developer News

Pack "Web Tools" 0.1 - standalone applications to ...

kris_fr  06-Mar-2010 14:57  4192 reads   1 comment 
The Package "Web 0.1 Tools" is the first compilation by the Laboratories, portable web tools for developing a website!
This package includes text editors (Notepad + +, Kompozer), a CSS editor (Oikia Editor), a web browser (Opera), tools for images (Gimp MWSnap), an ftp (Filezilla), a...
Developer News

Looking for Members - Documentation Team

wishcraft  08-Feb-2010 12:02  4901 reads   11 Comment(s) 
I am looking at forming a team for documenting the Modules Team and the Core Teams changes in the wiki and to go through the forum and find discussion topics to turn help sheets and guidances manuals.

I am looking for anyone with a Technical Writing background that wants to contribute to XOOPS...
Developer News

Jquery Tutorial: Passing php arrays through JSON

kaotik  16-Nov-2009 10:44  68032 reads   7 Comment(s) 
This tutorial is a continuation of my previous one. This will teach you the benefits of using JSON.
Developer News

Jquery Tutorial: Passing php arrays to javascript arrays

kaotik  12-Nov-2009 16:24  93492 reads   3 Comment(s) 
Passing php arrays to javascript arrays. This is an advanced tutorial designed for people who are comfortable using jquery, ajax and php. It will teach you how to retrieve a php array using jquery, convert it to a javascript array then manipulate it.
Developer News

Tutorial Jquery: $.change, $.val and $.css

kaotik  10-Nov-2009 12:48  23045 reads   9 Comment(s) 
Learn how to detect changes on your forms using jquery and react accordingly using $.change
Developer News

HackFest Australia

wishcraft  06-Nov-2009 09:48  4417 reads   6 Comment(s) 
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Just letting you know I will be attending part of HackFest in the Google Offices Tommorrow - When I last checked there was 88 remaining tickets.

This year the Open Australia hosted event will be concentrating on mashups, you have seen one of these featured in on of my modules called...
Developer News

Cloning functions, a diferent approach dealing with ...

kaotik  15-Sep-2009 09:54  7388 reads   2 Comment(s) 
Learn how to clone your methods inside classes. A great way to pass and retrieve data.

Developer News

Improving XOOPS Code: PHP CodeSniffer

Mamba  31-Aug-2009 20:04  6723 reads   No comments 
Obviously, everybody has a different coding styles, but in order to make it easier for everybody to read it, we need to follow certain "Coding Standards".

The current XOOPS Coding Standards are here

But how to make sure that everybody does it correctly, and there are no mistakes?

Here comes the
Developer News

Jquery: Form validation+Rounded Corners+List Items

kaotik  26-Aug-2009 16:02  22241 reads   2 Comment(s) 
This tutorial will teach you 4 things:

* How to apply rounded corners

* Form validation

* Passing variables into a list

* Customizing jquery plugins
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