Published Title Hits
18-Sep-2013 14:41 CuErPa module 0.9 beta 6619
16-Sep-2013 08:12 QRCode 1.2 module for XOOPS 6013
14-Sep-2013 20:41 QRCode module for XOOPS v1.1 4800
01-May-2011 18:55 Updated QRCode module for XOOPS (1.01 RC) 5943
28-Apr-2011 16:53 QRCode module for XOOPS 4363
09-Sep-2009 17:52 Xurl v1.2 available for download 5512
03-Sep-2009 15:16 Xurl v1.1 available for download 5534
31-Aug-2009 23:00 Xurl - available for download 5331
27-Aug-2009 23:17 Xurl - new XOOPS module 5280
Total items: 9 Total hits: 49395
Published Title Hits
09-Sep-2013 12:57 Responsive theme for XOOPS 8369
Total items: 1 Total hits: 8369
Published Title Hits
04-Dec-2011 09:07 Benelux Lightwave Resource revamped 4262
19-Apr-2011 18:24 7 news XOOPS websites 4840
19-Apr-2011 18:07 New design company website 4104
15-Jan-2011 18:21 Another new website 4047
05-Oct-2009 09:36 YAXN: 5544
24-Aug-2009 14:33 is proud to announce another XOOPS website 4781
29-May-2009 07:32 Yardsales 5105
01-Apr-2009 17:54 SPOOX Video traning and more 4999
Total items: 8 Total hits: 37682
Published Title Hits
20-Sep-2009 18:24 Xurl XOOPSeditor QRCode 6303
Total items: 1 Total hits: 6303
Developer News
Published Title Hits
14-Mar-2009 22:18 Translation tool : Xtranslate 5937
Total items: 1 Total hits: 5937


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