NovaSmart Technology proudly announce Article Management System (AMS) 2.42 Final.
This release considered stable and can be used in production environment.
AMS is a highly modified version of the News 1.2 for Xoops, and adds a huge amount of features to give the webmasters a lot more control over their content while still maintaining an easy to understand and use interface. AMS is highly scalable, and is geared towards performance, and as such is well suited to large article repositories that attract high amounts of users.
Our chiropractic clinics are located in Quebec Canada. We have several XOOPS websites.
I have completely redesign my personal site, with a more contemporary look.
Clinique Chiropratique du Dr Desforges, chiropraticien:
Also, over the past few month, we have developped and or redesigned several niche websites:
SOS Hernie discale:
SOS Herniated disc:
Clinique TAG:
Deuxième Opinion:
Paradise in Playacar: