XOOPS: Australian Language Pack

Posted by: wishcraftOn 2008/3/2 16:14:14 7516 reads
Language Pack: Australian
Size: 21Kb
Author: Simon Roberts
Download: xoops2_aussie_lang.zip

Have you ever wondered why when you go to an Australian website, you see heaps of the slang in the forums, but the site it's self is ridged and clinical americanized english.

Well now here is a language pack in aussie, it may take a few more changes when I borrow the Dinkum Dictionary off my grandfather, but for the moment, this is it, with plenty of Cheers Mate, and Struths. It is a pack to enjoy.

Complete Aussie language pack for your xoops, either install in to the normal English directory or translate all the other modules to an Aussie directory.

With all the non offensive slang you need! This is for XOOPS and some earlier versions.

Install into your /ROOTPATH/LANGUAGES/ path and either rename to 'english' or leave in aussie.