XOOPS is back, and with a vengeance! :)

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I don't think, we had so much excitement about XOOPS as we have right now, in a very very long time!

We're now starting to work with full power on XOOPS 2.6.0!

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After incorporating the Doctrine DB Abstraction Layer, that puts us on par in the DB area with projects like Laravel and Symfony, which are also using Doctrine, Richard Griffith, our new Core Team leader, continues to deliver amazing things!

Building up on the awesome work on XOOPS 2.6.0 by Trabis, ForMuss , Mage and Dugris, Richard just did some major redesign of our Debugging/Logging system, making XOOPS the CMS with probably the best debugging/logging capabilities in the world! Something what all serious developers will truly appreciate!

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- Our new logging mechanism in Core is now PSR-3 compliant, which currently only very, very few projects can claim!!!

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- he has replaced our outdated Debug view with the awesome PhpDebugBar module, that will provide our developers with tons of useful information.

As you can see above, our new PhpDebugBar is actually a "PhpDebugBar on steroids" because it merges it with information that XOOPS provides. So now we'll have the same information as the old Debug, but much, much more, incl. Smarty info and the cool timeline! Check out the original PhpDebugBar to see the original limited version of the PhpDebugeBar, but if you want to see what Richard did, you need to download XOOPS 2.6.0

- we've converted our Legacy Logger to the new logging system

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- and we've included Monolog module for professional logging capabilities!

- and Richard is almost done with reworking of Trabis' XMF (XOOPS Module Framework). We plan to use XMF as a migration tool for existing XOOPS modules. Once converted to XMF, the current modules should be able to run on XOOPS 2.6.x, with no or only very minimal modifications, which will keep with our tradition of easy migration for our users.

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You can fork it from our GitHub XOOPS Repository

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Oh, did we mentioned that we're already using PHP Composer and that in the future we'll be also fully utilizing Packagist?

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Another work that we're doing is to have the whole XOOPS Core tested using PHPUnit.
Alain91 from France, who is leading this effort, has written already majority of tests, and we also have already set up a dedicated website with Jenkins. This is still in a testing phase, but once we go live with it, all submitted Core code will have to go through Jenkins to be accepted into the central repository.

And Richard and his team are just warming up

So expect more cool things coming soon!

But why wait? Just join the XOOPS Development Team and start contributing to XOOPS, either in the Core area or in the Module Development area, or both!

Please join the conversion in this thread!

XOOPS is Powered by YOU!!!

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Ricardo Costa (Trabis) and Nicolas Andricq (ForMuss) Inducted into XOOPS Hall of Fame

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We are pleased to announce that Ricardo Costa (Trabis) from Portugal and Nicolas Andricq (ForMuss) from France, have been inducted into the XOOPS Hall of Fame

XOOPS Hall of Fame has been created to recognize people who provided in the past extraordinary support and dedication for XOOPS, and helped to move XOOPS forward. It is just a small token of appreciation for all the hours they've spent on making XOOPS what it is today - one of the world's finest Web CMS solutions around!

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Ricardo Costa (Trabis) - the Lead Developer of the XOOPS 2.4.x series and XOOPS 2.6.0. He also developed and updated countless modules. He is one of the finest and most pleasant developers to work with, respected and beloved by the whole XOOPS Community.

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Nicolas Andricq (ForMuss) - the Lead Developer of the XOOPS 2.5.x series and XOOPS 2.6.0. A PHP and JavaScript expert, he revamped together with his "French Team" the 2.5.0 Admin GUI making it looking very cool! He also incorporated Bootstrap into XOOPS 2.6.0 and redesigned the Admin GUI.

While due to new jobs and family responsibilities they had to scale down their XOOPS involvement, we hope that once their lives become less hectic, they'll be able to contribute again to XOOPS!

Please join us in thanking them for all the hard work, their support and dedication to XOOPS!!!!

XOOPS Council
Sept. 16, 2013
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CuErPa module 0.9 beta

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Today we (Designburo.nl) release a beta version of the CuErPa module for XOOPS. This module allows the creation of Custom Error Pages for within your website.

This can be very handy in case e.g. a visitor enters your website using an url that does not exist. Normally they would get a File not found error, now they will be forwarded to an Url you can set using CuErPa (CustomErrorPages).

Please give it a try and lets us know if you find anything we need to address before we take it our of Beta. Version 1 will also include a set of error pages and a quick setup button.

The file can be downloaded here.
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XOOPS Bug Squashing Week! We need your help!

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We are in the process of fixing open Bugs in the XOOPS 2.5.7.

This weekend we've reviewed and closed so far following bugs:

Static Constants Needing Fixed

A session had already been started - ignoring session_start()

X_ITEM_TILE in /​language/​english/​mail_template/​default_notify.tpl

Notifications encoding


Sorting bug in Profile module search

dhtmltextarea editor accent not displayed

Bug in fresh install in page_configsave.php

TinyEditor only loading in the 'Scoop' part of the News modu

Image Manager category creation restrictions

Calendar shows 40 days

balise code and \

News 1.67 and Xoops 2.5.4

template duplicate issue

template set is not updated based on template file

install last page no css/​js

Some of them were old and already solved but not yet officially closed, some needed a solution, some bugs were reported already with a solution, but it's important that we review them all.

Our goal is to close ALL open bugs for the release of XOOPS 2.5.7!

There are still 18 bugs open, so please help us with closing them as well!

We hope, XOOPS 2.5.7 will be the last release in the XOOPS 2.5.x series, so we can then focus on helping Richard with the XOOPS 2.6.0 development!!!

QRCode 1.2 module for XOOPS

We've updated the QRCode module for XOOPS even further with 4 new protocols.

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Added the support for:
- Business card (VCARD protocol)
- Make a Skype call or Instant Message
- Text to speech
- Bookmark a page

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The QRCode module was first created so other developers could utilize QRCode creation. We then updated it so QRCodes could also be manually created.
Currently the module creates the following QRCode :

- Visit a website
- Call a phonenumber
- Send a SMS to a cellphone
- Plain text
- Send an email
- Lookup GPS coordinates
- Create a business card (MECARD or VCARD)
- Make a Skype call or IM
- Bookmark a page
- Text 2 speech

You can download it here.
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WF-Downloads module 3.23 beta ready for testing

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I've just committed the last modifications to WF-Downloads module.

it's still in beta state but, IMO, ready for testing.

It is "STILL BETA"... do not use this module on active sites

The latest version on is in the XOOPS SVN

Thanks for helping me in debugging phase.



- module standardization: header.php, admin/admin_header.php, xoops_version.php
- module standardization: standardize directories/files names/structures
- module standardization: standardize code headers
- module standardization: use WfdownloadWfdownload object instead of $xoopsModule, $xoopsModuleConfig and xoops_getmodulehandler (luciorota)
- refactorized admin menu (luciorota)
- fixed: lack of variables in wfdownloads_viewcat.html template (luciorota)
- fixed: update procedure now updates also permissions (luciorota)
- fixed: language definition in modinfo.php (luciorota)
- fixed: language definition in main.php (luciorota)
- fixed: deprecated "XoopsTree" (luciorota)
- fixed: html errors in templates (luciorota)
- fixed: deprecated XoopsTree (mamba)
- added: admin side downloads filter (luciorota)
- added: breadcrumb class (luciorota)
- added: html tags compatible autosummary generator (luciorota)
- added: sort subcategories by cid or title or weight (luciorota)
- added: improved letters choice bar (luciorota)
- added: wfdownloads_submit.html template for submit.php (luciorota)
- added: folder checker (mamba + luciorota)
- added: file checker (luciorota)
- removed: unupgraded languages from repository (luciorota)
- removed: unused templates (luciorota)
- removed: unused images files (luciorota)
- added permission: upload by category (luciorota)
- added language definitions in admin.php (luciorota)
- fixed: language definitions in modinfo.php (luciorota)
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QRCode module for XOOPS v1.1

After reading through some of the posts we've decided to update the QRCode module for XOOPS 2.5.x
The main reason is the fact that the replacement module that came to be didn't work for us after we installed it.
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We've added/changed :
- a block to the module that shows the current url of the page as a QRCode with an option to set the size of the image.
- All Qrcodes are made locally, no external script is called
- Module is now cloneable
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The QRCode module was first created so other developers could make check if it is installed and the utilize QRCode creation. We then updated it so QRCodes could also be manually created.
Currently the module creates the following QRCode :

- Visit a website
- Call a phonenumber
- Send a SMS to a cellphone
- Plain text
- Send an email
- Lookup GPS coordinates
- Create a business card

You can download it here.
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Richard Griffith to lead XOOPS Core Team

The XOOPS Council is very pleased to announce that Richard Griffith (geekwright) has accepted the position of Team Leader for the XOOPS Core Team. As indicated on our Team Descriptions, the key areas for Richard and the Core Team are:

- Perform a thorough review of the security of the code base as a primary priority.
- Produce Development Road map in-line with community expectations and needs.
- Innovate and maintain core software to current technical and security standards.
- Resolve legitimate bugs submitted in the tracker.
- Enlist the best and brightest open source software developers through communication, innovation and integrity.
- Assist in the training and development of emerging developers for the XOOPS Project.
- Assist in preparation of documentation concerning the core, in partnership with the Documentation group.

Richard has been involved in XOOPS for over two years now. In May 2011 he became the "Innovator of the Month" for his work on "gwreports"

Since then he released several more modules:


He already has made several important contributions to XOOPS Core:

- he incorporated Doctrine DB Abstraction Layer into XOOPS 2.6.0 working together with Redheadedrod. This will make XOOPS database-agnostic, and will enable our users to use any database that is supported by Doctrine.

- helped us to move XOOPS 2.6.0 development to GitHub, and finally

- has updated Trabis' XMF (XOOPS Module Framework) to make migration of XOOPS 2.5.x modules to XOOPS 2.6.0 much easier (more information about it coming soon).

And he is just warming up!

Richard has many plans and ideas for XOOPS 2.6.0, and we can't wait till all of it will become reality! But as he has already proven, he is a man of action, who likes to deliver on his ideas and promises, so we can expect soon a lot of cool things!

We're looking forward to working with Richard, and are welcoming him to XOOPS Council and the XOOPS Community as the new Core Team Leader.

We also would like to thank Trabis for all his work on the XOOPS 2.6.0 Core and his XOOPS Module Framework! He has made tons of important contributions to both, and it is his work and vision than we'll be building upon moving forward, together with all the work that Nicolas did as well, Both of them were the giants of XOOPS Core Development, who have changed and reshaped how XOOPS is looking now:

- Nicolas Andricq and his French Team with their work on XOOPS 2.5.x, and then on XOOPS 2.6.0
- Trabis (Ricardo Costa) with his work on countless modules, the XOOPS Module Framework, and cleaning up and modernizing XOOPS 2.6.0 Core.

We're all extremely thankful to all of them for all their contributions, and we hope that once their lives become less hectic, they'll be contributing again to XOOPS.

There are several new announcements coming up related to XOOPS 2.6.0, and we can't wait to share them with you! The remainder of 2013 will be a very exciting time for XOOPS, and 2014 is clearly the year of XOOPS' comeback! We hope that all of you will join us on this exciting journey and that you will contribute to making XOOPS the best it can be!


XOOPS Council
Sept. 10, 2013

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Hi, I'm Richard Griffith and here is a brief history of me.

I've lived in lots of places in the USA, and have landed recently in a small town in Iowa, where the challenges of a more than a century old house became a temporary full time job. Spoiling my granddaughter also keeps me busy.

I studied Computer Science in college, and spent more than 2 decades inside a Fortune 100 company as a contractor and consultant. Over the years I have programmed everything from handhelds to mainframes, using whatever languages were needed, and held roles and responsibilities ranging through project development, change management, database administration and many others. My favorite role was always the programmer analyst; there I got to identify the problem, define how software could help and then build a solution.

While there were lots of valuable lessons learned in that environment, it was obvious that real growth and innovation occurs in smaller, more agile environments. Sifting out the most valuable lessons from the large conservative corporation approaches and deploying that value as an asset in smaller organizations became my focus.

I was very attracted to XOOPS when I was first introduced to it many years ago. The module structure really appealed to my view of how things should work. Over time, I've offered up many solutions based on XOOPS or some of its derivatives. While I continued my endeavors for the benefit of existing clients, I was eagerly awaiting some much needed modernization. Conversations with the XOOPS evangelist you know as Mamba led me to realize I was not alone in wanting a powerful, modern web application platform based on the XOOPS model. I agreed to a more direct involvement, and one thing led to another. I was scared, humbled and honored as we entered into the discussions that lead us to this point.

I hope that XOOPS can benefit from my experiences in the same way XOOPS has benefited me. Together I think we can create a powerful platform that exceeds our dreams and still retains that character that makes us XOOPS.
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Responsive theme for XOOPS

We needed to build this theme for a customer and thought we'd share it with the community.

It's based upon a html5up theme and made suitable for XOOPS. It is a slick and minimalistic theme based on the skeleton framework that will adjust to blocks shown as well as what device is viewing the website.

The top-menu is built by XOOPS and uses the left block. The Right-block is used for the most bottom area and every block will be presented horizontally.
For the fmcontent module we've also made custom templates and CSS changes.

Some screenshots :

Front page
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Dedicated Theme for AdsLight module

It was a lot of hard work, but I think, the results came out very nice!

I am very happy and proud to present to you a dedicated theme for the AdsLight for Theme. module! It will make a website dedicated to advertising products for sale using AdsLight look very professional.

Edit Adslight templates

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Note : theme only works with adslight


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