1. Download mainfile.php from your server and open it in a text editor.
2. Find the four defines I've edited below to read as "YOURACCOUNT" and "yourdomain.com"
3. Edit these defines in your copy of mainfile.php to reflect your server's file and directory structure.
Note: Consider changing the name of the two directories (and their defines in mainfile.php) 'xoops_lib' and 'xoops_data' to something more unique.
4. Save the file and overwrite the original on your server with it.
5. Use your ftp client or server's control panel to set mainfile.php permissions to 444
6. See if your site works now.
// XOOPS Physical Paths
// Physical path to the XOOPS documents (served) directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH', '/home/YOURACCOUNT/public_html');
// For forward compatibility
// Physical path to the XOOPS library directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_PATH', '/home/YOURACCOUNT/xoops_lib');
// Physical path to the XOOPS datafiles (writable) directory WITHOUT trailing slash
define('XOOPS_VAR_PATH', '/home/YOURACCOUNT/xoops_data');
// Alias of XOOPS_PATH, for compatibility, temporary solution define("XOOPS_TRUST_PATH", XOOPS_PATH);
// URL Association for SSL and Protocol Compatibility
$http = 'http://';
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) {
$http = ($_SERVER['HTTPS']=='on') ? 'https://' : 'http://';
define('XOOPS_PROT', $http);
// XOOPS Virtual Path (URL)
// Virtual path to your main XOOPS directory WITHOUT trailing slash
// Example: define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://www.yourdomain.com');
define('XOOPS_URL', 'http://www.yourdomain.com');