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A little to much xclamationsign (don't know if it's the correct word in english..but this -> ! <- ) It's like your yelling to your visitors.
Why are you somehow obligating people to install Firefox? This all is very confusing. I hate these kind of messages. Sorry.
Install Firefox and you get rid of it
We all know that Firefox is better, so I agree with Shine that it's unnecessary to claim it.
And just as you know: your site looks exactly the same in both IE and Firefox, you are claiming that IE is not compatible with your site, which is actualy a lie..
Besides that, it looks nice and I'm looking forward to see your site grow too :)
Edit: LOL! The message shows up EVERY time you click on a link if you use IE, so the only thing that does IE incompatible is the warningmessage, you will loose visitors on this.
Best Regards,
--- censored by Bananadude ---