I've had a lot of positive comments about my site from members and visitors alot of people have told me I must have put a lot of hard work into making my site what it is, and , I have. I often tell people I use XOOPS and that it's a content maanagement system, but I've never had anyone say that "oh, so you didnt really make the site yourself then".
My site has lots of information and content which I had to research myself and put it on the site myself, of course XOOPS helps ALOT its so much easier than what I used to do, make a html page on dreamweaver, edit anotehr page with the link to the new page and upload them by FTP. I chose XOOPS as probably most people did, because it helps yo update and add content to your site with ease but you still have to have some knowledge about other aspects of web creation, html, maybe a little PHP and how to make graphics. Most XOOPS sites are unique in content and in style and it's because the designer made it that way, themselves.
Of course I use a theme(from 7dana)which is an excellent theme, but theres other things that I have done to make my site unique. I kind of think of XOOPS like flat packed furniture, all the bits are there but you still need to put the work in to get it built, it won't build itself.
As JMorris said don't let these comments get you down, you know how much hard work you put into your site and for every negative comment theres probably a thousand positive ones. Using XOOPS is far more involved than alot of people think, like I said all the bits are there but a site won't build itself.
Happy xoopsing.
Michael Jackson = King Of Pop
Xoops = King Of CMS