2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/14 17:25

  • yokonozco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Hi all Xoopsers.

I work in a site with 1200 visits (IP) for a day and a 6500 registered users. The CMS we use is Xoops.

I´m testing too much XOOPS 2.2.1 in localhost. The incompatibility with Modules are seriously.

We use now in XOOPS 2.0.13:

News - Hervet (Compatible with 2.2.1)

Wordbook 1.15- Hzalazar (Incompatible with 2.2.1, some errors as contributions are not assigned to category, need and upgrade please)

CBB 2.2- phppp (Compatible with 2.2.1)

Smartfaq 1.04 final - Marcan (Incompatible with 2.2.1, some errors), wait to this promise: https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2450

Liaise 1.25 RC - Brandycoke (Compatible with 2.2.1)

Wflinks 1.0.3 - JohnN (Dont test yet, but maybe test Weblinks)

Xoopspoll- Ex core module (please tell me about more powerfull module?)(Compatible with 2.2.1)

Xoopsfaqs- Ex core module (Compatible with 2.2.1)

Xdirectory- Using Mxdirectory but dont test yet.

The german community of XOOPS is in this way:

They are make modules database with this:
a) Modulname und Version
b) Art der Anwendung
c) PHP5-kompatibel ja/nein
d) Deutsche Sprachfiles ja/nein
e) kurze Beschreibung des Moduls
f) Link zum Modul
g) Link zu deutschen Sprachdateien (falls vorhanden)

I know Core Modules will no longer be used, but what about:

The Quality Assureance Team is setting up a series of tests and qualifications that will determine if a module meets a set of requirements certifying that those modules meet the highest quality standards. These modules will get a Certified 'stamp', signifying they passed the test.

Since at this time (june 11th 2004) the Qa Team hasn't created the set of requirements and tests yet, this classification hasn't been implemented yet.

All modules not developed by the XOOPS Module Development Team are considered 3rd Party modules. These modules can also be Certified, and the XOOPS Module Development Team can adopt such a module, thus making it an Official module.

Please Herko, Skalpa, Mith help us, and the other XOOPS developers, i cant see the light in the way.

Can i help?

Thank for your work.


PD: When the official site upgrade to 2.2.1?

Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/14 18:15

  • hervet

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2267

  • Since: 2003/11/4


I've made many other tests this morning and even the last version of the News module that I have release recently have problems with this version of Xoops.

I'm a bit disapointed.


Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/14 19:20

  • yokonozco

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 25

  • Since: 2005/3/27

Thanks Hervé.

As colaboration to this point, this is a list from XOOPS FRANCE http://www.frxoops.org:

News 1.3.11 ok

CBB for XOOPS 2.2 ok mais c'est une version beta

Liaise Fonctionnera après quelques changements mineurs

MultiMenu 1.7 en cours de compatibilité

SmartClient seront disponibles début Août comme indiqué par l'auteur

Content Ok
EvenNews fonctionne mais requiers l'installation du module pm

WF-Links Presque Ok mais de nouvelles versions des modules WF-Project sont prévues pour ce week-end

XoopsPoll ok

Kshop ok

PiCal Fonctionne après quelques changements mineurs dans le formulaire de saisie

MyAlbum-P Ok

Popnupblog Ok

Formulaire 3.22 Ok

PictureUrl 1.2 Ok

WF-Channel Ok

Catads Ok

IContent Ok

Backpack Les fonctionnalités sont opérationnelles, mais il subsiste un problème d'affichage dans l'administration

Spotlight 2.2 Pas ok

BlockAdmin 0.3 pas Ok

Xmline 1.02 Pas ok

Xhld 2.99 Ok

piCal 08 RC5 Ok

ExtCal Migration en cours

Wiwimod 0.85 Ok

Sitemap 1.12 Ok

Resmanager 1.2 Ok

xf guesbook 2.22 Ok

weblog 1.41 Ok

Please, we need Certified 3rd Party modules.



Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/14 19:36

  • skalpa

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 300

  • Since: 2003/4/16

Please Herko, Skalpa, Mith help us, and the other XOOPS developers, i cant see the light in the way.

We're going to focus on these compatibility problems during the next weeks, with the welcome arrival or return of several people.
You don't have to upgrapde to 2.2.x right now, and most problems are expected to be solved (so you will be able to upgrade in a near future). So light is coming, and as it is written on some wise book: don't panic !

As for you help: you are helping in fact, listing incompatible modules like this, and further works in this direction will be welcome. Please give me some news about this... In the future we will also ensure local communities bring this kind of help before final versions are released, as it would be more helpful for everybody.

I'm a bit disapointed.

We'll start to work with the new team in a matter of days, and I think I have added you to the dev ML, so we'll be able to look at this together soon

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, and more complex. It takes a touch of genius, a lot of courage, to move in the opposite direction.
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the 1st one (A.Einstein)

Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules

What is even more useful is if the developers of modules that don't work with XOOPS 2.2 tell us - so we can figure out if it is a problem with the module and it should be changed there, or whether it is an incompatibility in the core that we should fix.

BlockAdmin 0.3 pas Ok

Just had to comment on this one

I think it would be fair to assume that a module meant for managing a part of the core will no longer function, when that part is changed
It is therefore not surprising that this module does not work with XOOPS 2.2.x and I hope that GIJOE will update it for the new possibilities in 2.2.x (and that people will take this part out of their modules where it doesn't belong )
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software

Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/14 21:16

  • Shine

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 822

  • Since: 2002/7/22

Wflinks 1.0.3 - JohnN (Dont test yet, but maybe test Weblinks)

From Dutch community:
Problems with WFlinks 1.03
Read also thread:

News - 1.31
Cafepress - 1.01
Xpjirc - 1

Installed on XOOPS 2.2.1 running phpversion 4.3.11 (which I think is also important to mention!)

Grtz., Shine

Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/15 7:22

  • hervet

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2267

  • Since: 2003/11/4

From what I can remember....

tested with XOOPS 2.2.1 (not yet had the time to try the 2.2.2)
Mysql 4.1, Php 5.0.4, Apache 2.

1) After I have removed the News module, its templates are still visibles in the templates manager.
2) In the install process, the URL of the webiste in incomplete.
3) Whatever I do, I never succeed to see, in my profile, my counter of posts
4) Still about my counter of post, in the fields manager, its type is "Text Field".
5) You can't use the same html file for the templates.
Here is an extracted version of xoops_version.php from the News module :

$modversion['blocks'][3]['file'] = "news_top.php";
$modversion['blocks'][3]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_BNAME4;
$modversion['blocks'][3]['template'] = 'news_block_top.html';

$modversion['blocks'][4]['file'] = "news_top.php";
$modversion['blocks'][4]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_BNAME5;
$modversion['blocks'][4]['template'] = 'news_block_top.html';

If you have two blocks using the same html template file, you just have one template in Xoops.
6) By default the debug mode is on "Php"
7) Not completly sure about this but I had many reports about the XoopsFormSelectUser class.

Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/15 7:54

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15


Since at this time (june 11th 2004) the Qa Team hasn't created the set of requirements and tests yet, this classification hasn't been implemented yet.

false, a self_assessment tool (for devs) is in progress QA forum (public).
A new version will be out in a few days and proposed to community for comments and lasts improvments.


nb wether we will extend this tool to core or not has to be discussed with core devs.
Do synergy or die.

Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules

1) After I have removed the News module, its templates are still visibles in the templates manager.

I cannot reproduce this - can you see if it is a general issue with your environment and report MySQL/PHP debug errors?

2) In the install process, the URL of the webiste in incomplete.

No it isn't, it is a relative URL. There were some problems with using XOOPS_URL in e.g. mail messages, if this was not set as a complete URL, but that will be fixed in the next XOOPS version

3) Whatever I do, I never succeed to see, in my profile, my counter of posts

It should just be a matter of setting it visible on your group(s)' profile and visible to your group(s). More information about what you do is appreciated.

4) Still about my counter of post, in the fields manager, its type is "Text Field".

Since this field is not meant for editing, this does not matter much - it had to have some kind of field.

5) You can't use the same html file for the templates.
Here is an extracted version of xoops_version.php from the News module :
$modversion['blocks'][3]['file'] = "news_top.php";
$modversion['blocks'][3]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_BNAME4;
$modversion['blocks'][3]['template'] = 'news_block_top.html';

$modversion['blocks'][4]['file'] = "news_top.php";
$modversion['blocks'][4]['name'] = _MI_NEWS_BNAME5;
$modversion['blocks'][4]['template'] = 'news_block_top.html';

If you have two blocks using the same html template file, you just have one template in Xoops.

With XOOPS 2.2, you no longer need to define all variations of a block. If it has the same function and the same template, it is the same block - you can instantiate as many as you want and edit the options to suit your needs.

6) By default the debug mode is on "Php"

Yes. That was a user request.

7) Not completly sure about this but I had many reports about the XoopsFormSelectUser class.

Which is fixed in the next XOOPS version.
"When you can flatten entire cities at a whim, a tendency towards quiet reflection and seeing-things-from-the-other-fellow's-point-of-view is seldom necessary."

Cusix Software

Re: 2.2.1, production websites and modules
  • 2005/8/22 14:38

  • Marco

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1256

  • Since: 2004/3/15

just to announce testers and devs.

Quality Assurance Checklist4ModDev 2.0 RC1 is released.


Do synergy or die.


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