I'm impressed with the speedy responses Herko & Jensclas. Thanks!
The way you describe the upgrade does sound very simple. Perhaps that's my problem - I so expected it to be more complicated, that it would not have occurred to me that it could be that easy. On the other hand, I've read of a few others who seem to have had difficulty. At any rate, I was suprised to find that the upgrade procedure wasn't documented in the 'docs' folder of the patch archive.
I read the news piece about the release (
https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1965), but all I saw regarding details was some info for those who had already upgraded to, which I had not.
Anyway, I have PMd Jen for her doc, and I will follow the advice of both of you. Thanks for your help.
Incidentally, I tried out a number of CMS packages before settling on Xoops. I am most impressed not only with the package itself, but with the community of users and developers surrounding it. I don't often see humans working together so effectively and, dare I say, cheerfully.