MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/12 14:08

  • fredski

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I have the module MyAds installed, but have found that after the ad has come to the end of it's set display period it does not delete the ad from the site, it also sends out constant reminders to the person who placed the ad telling them that it has been viewed so many times etc and it has now been removed (only it hasnt). This could be a big pain for some of my users as they don't want to be pestered by constant reminders.

Has anyone had this problem beofre and found a fix to it? or am I just misssing a setting?

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/14 13:28

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

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I'm nearing 650 active ads...
Has anyone confirmed this bug? It worries me that it might be doing this, I really don't want to harass my users DAILY telling them about an ad that is in limbo and won't expire.

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/14 13:41

  • ChadK

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Ok, I just tested it by posting an ad, modifying the date posted using mysqladmin and then viewing the page of ads.
I received the email and the ad is no longer on the page.
Seems to be working ok so far.. I'll wait to see if I get another email in a few hours when my server time passes midnight.

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/14 14:36

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

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After further testing.. the "Latest Submissions" portion is also bugged.

When I go to the category where I posted my ad that I then expired manually by changing the submit date using mysqladmin, the ad still shows up. I see it in the Latest Submissions portion of the screen.

If I click on it, I can see at the bottom:
Posted on 2004/6/9 Expires on 2004/7/9

On the MAIN classified screen, the "test2" ad doesn't show up. It's only the subcategory.

I appear to get an email every time the main page is viewed!


I've already committed to this ad software... but in a few days I'm going to have some REALLY pissed off people on my hands.

Looks like it all comes down to this function in the myAds\includes\functions.php file


function SupprClaDay()

It emails the user but it never actually deletes the ad.
I THINK this is because it's using xoopsDB->query instead of xoopsDB->queryF

hmm.. I seem to have solved this myself. Hooray me.

In your myAds\includes\function.php file find:
function SupprClaDay()

Find the line:
$xoopsDB->query("delete from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("ann_annonces")." where lid='$lids';");

Replace it with this line:
$xoopsDB->queryF("delete from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("ann_annonces")." where lid='".$lids."';");

I also changed lid='$lids' because I think I read that it was a security risk allowing sql injection.. or maybe not but I prefer the second way anyway. The main difference is xoopsDB->query and xoopsDB->queryF
What the hell that means, I don't know.. but it works now.

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/15 14:29

  • fredski

  • Quite a regular

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Good job I brought this bug to your attention then isn't it ChadK , and also a good job you rechecked after your initial test or people would have thought it was just my instalation that was screwy. This realy needs to be changed in the MyAds module thats available for download. If your using this on a live site then it will certainly piss people off getting emails ALL the time, and thinking 'well I'm never going to place an add there again'

I can't believe someones not tried a test ad on it before and let it run till it's expired date to check it works ok.

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/15 15:50

  • ChadK

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I totally agree. I'm almost convinced that either: a> Only you and I are even using this software or b> Nobody has it installed on a site that has any number of ads at all.

I'd really like to open a XOOPS module project to create a GOOD classified ad system but I just don't have the skill. Now if it were in ASP, then no sweat. I can do that. =) In PHP I'm lost.... for now.

I just can't believe nobody else has noticed this before or posted a fix for it. I also hate that there are 2 "fixed" versions of this software. I don't think I have the JP version but the translation in mine wasn't too awful, although I have no idea what half the options on the admin preferences screen do. Anyway... There aren't other classified modules that work that I've found so we're stuck with this piece of crap.

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems

Do you know how to fix the error, blank page we have been talking about when you click the catagories link on my ads Chad?

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/15 17:24

  • hightyde

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I also have problem with expired ads not being deleted... I would have to delete each one individually. It's a real pain.

Re: MyAds Question, End of display period problems
  • 2004/7/15 17:54

  • ChadK

  • Quite a regular

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I don't know.. but I can look. - can you post a link to the thread discussing it and I'll read up on it and see if I can reproduce the problem.

Re: MyAds Question, End of display Extension possible???
  • 2004/10/6 8:50

  • noisia

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 123

  • Since: 2004/8/24

Hello MyAds gurus,

Would it be possible to have different expiration times for different ads?

It would be nice if the administrator could decide whether some ads will expire in two weeks and others in a few months.

Has anybody thought of this and managed to put a pull down menu to select your own expiration date?

It would also be nice if the administrator could extend expirations.


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