After further testing.. the "Latest Submissions" portion is also bugged.
When I go to the category where I posted my ad that I then expired manually by changing the submit date using mysqladmin, the ad still shows up. I see it in the Latest Submissions portion of the screen.
If I click on it, I can see at the bottom:
Posted on 2004/6/9 Expires on 2004/7/9
On the MAIN classified screen, the "test2" ad doesn't show up. It's only the subcategory.
I appear to get an email every time the main page is viewed!
I've already committed to this ad software... but in a few days I'm going to have some REALLY pissed off people on my hands.
Looks like it all comes down to this function in the myAds\includes\functions.php file
It emails the user but it never actually deletes the ad.
I THINK this is because it's using xoopsDB->query instead of xoopsDB->queryF
hmm.. I seem to have solved this myself. Hooray me.
In your myAds\includes\function.php file find:
Find the line:
$xoopsDB->query("delete from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("ann_annonces")." where lid='$lids';");
Replace it with this line:
$xoopsDB->queryF("delete from ".$xoopsDB->prefix("ann_annonces")." where lid='".$lids."';");
I also changed lid='$lids' because I think I read that it was a security risk allowing sql injection.. or maybe not but I prefer the second way anyway. The main difference is xoopsDB->query and xoopsDB->queryF
What the hell that means, I don't know.. but it works now.