gordy - that's a bit harsh don't ya think
adabbous - I agree with gordy that you jumped the gun a bit with your second post. Your questions are original and take a bit of time to respond to in a way that makes sense for a new user. Even if you have already given up on XOOPS (shame on you), I'll post an answer for others that want to accomplish something similar
* All code examples taken from XOOPS 2.0.7
1. Forcing emails hidden:
in /include/registerform.php change lines 40-41:
$email_option = new XoopsFormCheckBox("", "user_viewemail", $user_viewemail);
$email_option->addOption(1, _US_ALLOWVIEWEMAIL);
$email_option = new XoopsFormHidden("user_viewemail", $user_viewemail);
To force this change on existing user accounts you can run a sql query direct at the database (ask your host for instructions as to how to accomplish this). Replace
with the prefix used by your XOOPS installation (default 'xoops')
UPDATE <tableprefix>_users SET user_viewemail = 0
2. Disabling Private Messages:
This easiest way to accomplish this is to modify /viewpmsg.php and /pmlite.php
in /viewpmsg.php after this line (~line 29):
include_once "mainfile.php";
redirect_header("index.php", 4, "Private Messaging has been disabled on this site");
in /pmlite after the same line (~line 30):
include_once "mainfile.php";
redirect_header("index.php", 4, "Private Messaging has been disabled on this site");