I see, no network problem then.
This scares me a bit and makes me way too curious to leave it alone, so sorry for my insistence. Browsing thru XOOPS code I realized I couldn't identify the core user identification stuff even if it ran over me riding a mad cow
, so I went after your other setup stuff.
It seems that Apache 1.3.29 has a cookie bug in mod_usertrack which might be worth a check:
apache mainpage and
bugzilla entry.
PHP 4.3.4 has a couple funky
*printf() bugs and those functions are used to get and put values from/into lots of things (present in 124 files in 2.0.6), perhaps another place to look.
I couldn't see anything suspicious in
MySQL 4.0.18, but here's the link with bugfixes anyway.
Perhaps some phpinfo() could give other clues... is mod_usertrack there?