Looking great, you must be the best coder in Scotland..
Couple of things before I build a wfsection showsite complete with tutorials..:)
Can't at the moment with the way the frontend is.
I noticed havn't fixed the double "return to category" that appears below each article thing yet? Each link does not lead to the category, but main index. Perhaps you have fixed this for the next beta.
Add Main Document Image when creating an article
For each article's associated image, which is the one that appears to the right of the featured article and teaser taken from "Main Document Image" when creating the article, it looks like that its only when we choose blank.png for the article thumbnail that the thumbnail will appear in all of the sections next to the teaser--which when activated does not on fact lead to blank.png, but article.jpg?
I suppose at the moment we might need "blank.png" because if we don't use that, the thumbnail will appear in the article which should hopefuly only appear only next to the teaser.
However if if I keep to blank.png I need to have the same thumbnail next to teaser for every single article--which looks naff, but at least it does not appear in the article as a thumbnail, the larger version would be ok.
If I upload my own "article" image to the articles folder and activate it in the "Add Main Document Image" bit when editing the article, it shows in "Features" in the index page as a thumbnail next to the teaser, but if I click on the "Section" the article belongs too, I get a blank picture holder next to the teaser in "Other Articles"
the path the thumbnail leads to in Sections: public_html/modules/wfsection/images/article/thumbs/60x60_myown.jpg
Hope this you..
in a brotherly sort of way
Edit: looked at the code this seems to fix the "sections" article teaser image thing
viewarticles.php around line 89
For the section article image teaser
Changing this
$articles["image"] = (!empty($article->articleimg)) ? wfs_createthumb($article->articleimg, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH, "/" . $wfsPathConfig['graphicspath'] . "/", "thumbs/", 60, 60, 100) : WFS_ARTICLEIMG_URL . "/article.jpg";
To this seems to do it:
$articles["image"] = (!empty($article->articleimg)) ? wfs_createthumb($article->articleimg, WFS_ARTICLEIMG_URL, "/" . $wfsPathConfig['graphicspath'] . "/", "thumbs/", 60, 60, 100) : WFS_ARTICLEIMG_URL . "/article.jpg";