Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/7 0:21

  • Catzwolf

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Send me the code and I will have a look over it catzwolf@wfsections.xoops2.com

also, if you have hacked wf-sections and would like to have this implemented please post them here.

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/7 17:58

  • JackJ

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 747

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Looking great, you must be the best coder in Scotland..

Couple of things before I build a wfsection showsite complete with tutorials..:)

Can't at the moment with the way the frontend is.

I noticed havn't fixed the double "return to category" that appears below each article thing yet? Each link does not lead to the category, but main index. Perhaps you have fixed this for the next beta.

Add Main Document Image when creating an article

For each article's associated image, which is the one that appears to the right of the featured article and teaser taken from "Main Document Image" when creating the article, it looks like that its only when we choose blank.png for the article thumbnail that the thumbnail will appear in all of the sections next to the teaser--which when activated does not on fact lead to blank.png, but article.jpg?

I suppose at the moment we might need "blank.png" because if we don't use that, the thumbnail will appear in the article which should hopefuly only appear only next to the teaser.

However if if I keep to blank.png I need to have the same thumbnail next to teaser for every single article--which looks naff, but at least it does not appear in the article as a thumbnail, the larger version would be ok.

If I upload my own "article" image to the articles folder and activate it in the "Add Main Document Image" bit when editing the article, it shows in "Features" in the index page as a thumbnail next to the teaser, but if I click on the "Section" the article belongs too, I get a blank picture holder next to the teaser in "Other Articles"

the path the thumbnail leads to in Sections:

http://www.mysite.com/home/myusername/ public_html/modules/wfsection/images/article/thumbs/60x60_myown.jpg

Hope this helps..love you.. in a brotherly sort of way

Edit: looked at the code this seems to fix the "sections" article teaser image thing

viewarticles.php around line 89

For the section article image teaser

Changing this

$articles["image"] = (!empty($article->articleimg)) ? wfs_createthumb($article->articleimg, XOOPS_ROOT_PATH, "/" . $wfsPathConfig['graphicspath'] . "/", "thumbs/", 60, 60, 100) : WFS_ARTICLEIMG_URL . "/article.jpg";

To this seems to do it:

$articles["image"] = (!empty($article->articleimg)) ? wfs_createthumb($article->articleimg, WFS_ARTICLEIMG_URL, "/" . $wfsPathConfig['graphicspath'] . "/", "thumbs/", 60, 60, 100) : WFS_ARTICLEIMG_URL . "/article.jpg";

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/7 20:01

  • Bender

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Catzwolf wrote:

Bender wrote:
On the 'main WF-Section (intro) page' is it possible to hide the featured article list?

Yeah, don't add any articles to this "Spotlight This Document in Main Index?" ring a bell? :-p

Ok, well caught me on this one. I didn´t note that option.

but ....

Just tried to change this setting by editing a document but it is not working. If i set 'Spotlight This Document in Main Index?' to no and click save nothing will change.Thus if i directly click edit for this document again it will still show 'Yes' there and will do exactly that.

If i create a new document with setting 'no' at first place it won´t be shown as it is supposed to be. But if i change this one to 'yes' it might or might not work.

So i tried on several other documents again and sometimes it works and sometimes not. I can´t make out a pattern yet to say beforehand if a saved change of this option will work or not. This is soooo strange ...
(Did run a second browser after a change to rule out browser caching issues. Caching for wf-section is also off)

Can someone else please test just to show documents in spotlight and turn it on/off several times to see if he can reproduce this.

It is strange that it (again) seems to happen only to me ... as the other mentions of spotlight all concerned that blank page issue as far as i could see.

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/7 20:11

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1392

  • Since: 2007/9/30


Bender wrote:

Catzwolf wrote:

Bender wrote:
On the 'main WF-Section (intro) page' is it possible to hide the featured article list?

Yeah, don't add any articles to this "Spotlight This Document in Main Index?" ring a bell? :-p

Ok, well caught me on this one. I didn´t note that option.

but ....

Just tried to change this setting by editing a document but it is not working. If i set 'Spotlight This Document in Main Index?' to no and click save nothing will change.Thus if i directly click edit for this document again it will still show 'Yes' there and will do exactly that.

If i create a new document with setting 'no' at first place it won´t be shown as it is supposed to be. But if i change this one to 'yes' it might or might not work.

So i tried on several other documents again and sometimes it works and sometimes not. I can´t make out a pattern yet to say beforehand if a saved change of this option will work or not. This is soooo strange ...
(Did run a second browser after a change to rule out browser caching issues. Caching for wf-section is also off)

Can someone else please test just to show documents in spotlight and turn it on/off several times to see if he can reproduce this.

It is strange that it (again) seems to happen only to me ... as the other mentions of spotlight all concerned that blank page issue as far as i could see.

Hi Jackj & Bender (Sounds like a comedy duo! LOL)

@Jackj: Thanks for the both of these issues, you will be please to note that I have fixed these for the next version.

The article.jpg was as the default, I now have changed this so that what ever image you chose will be the one shown

ABout the I love you part, erm.....um, not to sure what to say to that

@Bender: Yes there was a problem with this but it has now been fixed



Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/7 21:10

  • brash

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Any idea when the next beta will be released Catz? Itching to get beta testing over here

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/7 21:14

  • Catzwolf

  • Home away from home

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  • Since: 2007/9/30

Should be later tonight or early tomorrow

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/7 21:21

  • Bender

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Catzwolf wrote:
Hi Jackj & Bender (Sounds like a comedy duo! LOL)

Well actually more like detectives. Ya know, solving cases and getting all the girls. Or was it other way round?

btw: i saw that. You wrote brash & Bender at first. It is still in my browser windows back function

I second that but we shouldn´t push him. He is already working that damn fast on it ... *thumbs up*

Will you start to give numbers to the Betas? Because if you release more in short succession it might prove to be usefull to say error xyz in beta v2 0001 or something.

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/8 12:02

  • JackJ

  • Community Support Member

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Some JackJ Poiriot findings..

[pagebreak] does not work at all in mine

Global search not functioning in mine, I have the latest Beta

When using the ordinary XOOPS editor lines run into each other no linebreaks. I only get line breaks if I disable HTML entirely. If webmasters use the XOOPS editor rather than Spaw the "Xoops linebreak conversion" checkbox sticks, won't remove even if I uncheck it.

If I submit an article with the XOOPS editor all lines run into each other no linebreaks unless I disable HTML completly. It must be difficult to marry them both up with this XOOPS linebreaks thing. Looks like it has to be one or the other just now, Spaw or the XOOPS editor with HTML disabled?

or perhaps I have missed some setting?

I find the whole linebreaks thing in XOOPS a challenge anyway, If I initially use the spaw editor then decide to change back to the XOOPS editor in the admin side it will destroy the HTML ouput, no linebreaks. Must be tough for coders to get round this.

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/9 1:14

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Hi Catz,

Just been doing some testing of the WfSection permissions. I created a new test account and added it to a new group for WfSection admin that I created created. From the admin access section in WfSection I granted this new group admin access to everything apart from what was suggested to be only for webmasters.

Anyway, all seemed to check out here, and I was given an access denied style error for everything I should have. One thing to not though is that when I went to access the configuration section I was spat out back to the home page rather than the admin section, but that was all I could find wrong with permissions from a admin (but not webmaster) level.

I have also verified that the submit artcile settings and all group permissions set from within the configuration section work as they should.

Re: WF-Section V2 Beta Now Released
  • 2004/5/9 1:46

  • brash

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 2206

  • Since: 2003/4/10

Just a correction to that last sentence;

The group permission for the "Allow users to use Spaw editor when submiting documents?" settings don't appear to work. I deslected the registered user group for this, but whenever I login with a stardard user account I am still able to use the SPAW editor when submitting an article so long as the SPAW seceelection for submitting articles is enabled. I wasn't able to test the submit file permissions either as there I can't see how to submit files. I assume it would be the same way as submitting articles?

One other thing, when I submit an article from a standard user account regradless of wehter I'm using SPAW or not I get taken to a blank page with a 0 on it. Turning PHP debug on returned the following;

0Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: changeuser in file D:\Services\web\Beta it-hq\modules\wfsection\submit.php line 129
Notice [PHP]: Undefined index: isforumid in file D:\Services\web\Beta it-hq\modules\wfsection\submit.php line 139
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NW_NOTIFYSBJCT - assumed '_NW_NOTIFYSBJCT' in file D:\Services\web\Beta it-hq\modules\wfsection\submit.php line 205
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NW_NOTIFYMSG - assumed '_NW_NOTIFYMSG' in file D:\Services\web\Beta it-hq\modules\wfsection\submit.php line 206
Notice [PHP]: Use of undefined constant _NW_TITLE - assumed '_NW_TITLE' in file D:\Services\web\Beta it-hq\modules\wfsection\submit.php line 207

This was regardless of what setting I had when submitting the doc. However, the docs seem to be submitted all the same .

A few notes on the artile submission options too. The linked URL options doesn't seem to do anything, atleast nothing I can see. The auto summary option doesn't work from what I can tell, and a small thng is when an article is submitted, but not approved the published field when viewing the doc shows up as "_AM_NOTPUBLISHED".

Also, when PHP debug is turned on, if you enter the configuration section of WfSection it seems to go into a loop, and you basically have to shut the browser window down.


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