Dreakon wrote:
Sorry I guess I was a little vague, where can I get the installer and image files that are in spanish, in english?
1) Use the images from the original newbb.
2) You don't need the installer. If you have acces to phpMyAdim, run these querry's:
ALTER TABLE bb_forums CHANGE `allow_attachments` `allow_attachments` VARCHAR( 100 );
ALTER TABLE bb_posts ADD `attachment` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL AFTER `attachsig`;
ALTER TABLE bb_forums ADD `allow_attachments` tinyint(1) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `topics_per_page`;
ALTER TABLE bb_forums ADD `attach_maxkb` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1000' AFTER `allow_attachments`;
ALTER TABLE bb_forums ADD `attach_ext` text NOT NULL AFTER `attach_maxkb`;
Don't forget to change the tablenames to your newbb (or newbb2) tables.