This probably doesnt belong here but since it relates to my problem I figure I will ask it.
How would I find the domain of the game servers? I looked through all the configuration files and it was never mentioned. If its hardcoded into somewhere, is there any way for me to find it?
Wow, this is great, thanks! I am having a problem with it though, all I changed were the links it was checking and the image files it directed to. Everything was fine there but for some reason it always says up, even though the fake site I tested was obviously down because I tried it and it didnt work.
I am working on a site for a game. One many people play but isnt in magazines or anything. It's a free game called Gunbound. I want to make a server status block above my news. Is there any way I could make something that checked if it could connect to the official site or the game server and if it could it would say Server is up, or if it couldn't it would say Server is down.
Would this be impossible? If someone could help me do it, it would be an awesome addition to my site...
I found something that allowed me to do this, but it was released in 2002 and I don't know if it will work with 2.0.7. Have any newer ones been released?