Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/23 15:29

  • djumaka

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2004/3/22

Hi there!

I installed the latest version of the XOOPS site. And it worked perfectly!

But I came uppon some problems installing the multilangual support.
I downloaded the 1.1 version of ML Patch and copied all the filed into the main direcotroy. Then in the admin area I found the module recognized BUT it said exactly this:

Module File for mlpatch Not Found!Module File for Not Found!Module File for Not Found!Module File for Not Found!Module File for Not Found!Module File for Not Found!

Then down in the list of the modules on the line pefore the moldule i get a line with almost the same text and with no PICTURE.

What could I do to make the file work

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/23 16:27

  • T-Tech

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  • Posts: 62

  • Since: 2004/3/3 1

Few things you should check on:

Make sure the folder includes everything it should.
From what your saying it isn't picking up on the xoops_version.php
(Which is kind of important lol)

The xoops_version.php should be in the main module folder

Another thing to check on is that you got a complete download, sometimes if your internet connections times out for a split second or even the server you are downloading from, it can mess up your whole download. So in short you may need to re-download and re-install the module :)

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/24 7:12

  • djumaka

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2004/3/22


It might be from the download. I'llcheck it. But the funny moment is that I managed to add it into the list of active modules but it did not appear in the list on the left and also I could not edit it's properties.

One more thing. Is there in the net a manual for this module? I don't know how to edit the language templates and which filed to edit and add!

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/24 11:59

  • svaha

  • Just can't stay away

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There is a readme file in the module/language directory.
The language selector can be placed on your site by looking at the blocks inside admin.
You must install also both the language files you want to use. (not only for the system but also for modules you use)

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/26 12:24

  • djumaka

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2004/3/22

I read the readme file into the modules/language dir but it had nothing in common with the current contents of that file. I previously followed the instructions into the readme into the zip file and copied all the files there into the main directory.

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/26 12:58

  • marcan

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/10/8

Hi djumaka,

First, I read on your post that you installed version 1.1. You must have downloaded it hours before I published version 1.2. You can download it here : XOOPS Multilanguage v1.2

Also, you make me realise that there is 2 readme files. The one in modules/languages/readme.txt is the readme for the original language module. However, I should find a way to make more clear that the readme file users should read is in the very root of the package, along with the class, include, kernel and modules folders.

The file contains a lot of information about the installation of the hack.

If you still have problems, feel free to post here !
Cheers !

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/26 13:05

  • marcan

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/10/8

I just deleted the readme.txt that was located in the modules/language folder. Anyway, all instructions are in the readme.txt at the root of the package.

No more confusion now !

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/26 15:44

  • djumaka

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 7

  • Since: 2004/3/22

Ok I managed to activate the module 1.1

But where to write the language text for all the choosable langs as written in the readme of the package. I found the language folder on the root directory (and into all the modules' direcotries) from where the XOOPS system reads the texts for my default language. I will translate them to create my default language. Are these the files I gotto edit (and add) to add create new languages, since in the readme file it is not mentioned which file to edit.

TIA a lot.

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/3/26 19:14

  • marcan

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 824

  • Since: 2003/10/8

Hi djumaka ! I'm not sure I fully understand your question. Here's some info that may help you. This is a summary of the readme file reagarding the installation :

- First copy all the files of the package to the root of your XOOPS site.

- Edit the file class/module.textsanitizer to fit your needs. Around lines 150-169 you'll find the hack. Change it for the language YOU want.

- Go to Admin > Modules and install the language module

- Be sure to have the language for every language you configured in the previous step.

- Go to Admin > Blocks and make visible the language block.

- It should then work.

- All that is left to do is to translat the 'content' of your site. For example, publish a new news item in the news module. For the title of the news, write something like that (but with YOUR configured tags' language !)

[fr]Texte en francais[/fr][en]English Text ![/en]

This is, of course an example that would work with an english-french site. For that very news, If I selected the French language, I will see 'Texte en francais' as the title of the news. If I selected english for language, I would see 'English Text !' as the title.

So, in summary of the summary , you only need to edit 1 file (class/module.textsanitizer.php), install the language module, and make your content multilingual !

Is this more clear?

Re: Multi language module installation problem
  • 2004/4/4 13:54

  • Cocoon

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 21

  • Since: 2004/3/3 1

Have installed the ML 1.2 patch successfully...

I can't allow anonymous users to see the select language block, though, and I would like all visitors to be able to change the language.

Is this possible?


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