CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2003/12/25 4:12

  • Chainsaw

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 304

  • Since: 2003/9/28

Can someone please help me with this?

I found this DHTML horizontal dropdown menu which is absolutely breathtaking. (see http://simplythebest.net/info/dhtmscript52.html ). I want to use it for my website at The one I am using currently pales compared to the coolmenu script.

I've installed the scripts to the theme.html file and it works (YAY!!!!).


When I click on the pages that are created from WFSection, the DHTML menu is not there. I've subsequently removed the menu from the site while I try to figure out why it won't work.

So in summary - Coolmenu.js works on the theme's index.html but not on WFSections pages.

Any idea why? It would be brilliant if I can get it to work.

Ta - and a merry christmas to all of you.

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2003/12/25 13:51

  • tjnemez

  • Home away from home

  • Posts: 1594

  • Since: 2003/9/21

check this site out for cool dthml: http://software.xfx.net/index.html

i have this program, but i have not tried it with xoops.

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2003/12/25 14:06


  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 121

  • Since: 2003/10/18

I am unfamilar with the wfsections mods, but had similar problems earlier this year doing basically the same thing with PHPNuke.
That menu script also allows the menu to scroll down the page but it was not working with a module. I fretted for weeks over it, and one time I placed the .js file in the module itself, and it worked. For some reason this module needed to call the .js file from itself and not from the theme folder. I do not know if this will help any but you can try placing the .js files in not only the theme folder but module folder and root and see if it works.


Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection

Great advice there AAINC! Thanks!

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2003/12/26 4:22

  • Chainsaw

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 304

  • Since: 2003/9/28

You know what? This sux! Maybe its the eggnog or the bottle of champange I had for xmas dinner. Anyway - it didn't work yesterday. I deleted all the files.

Today I decided, 'Oh heck, let's try again and see if I can find out why its not working...'

And yes, you guessed it, the darn thing is working. AFAIK I did exactly the same thing yesterday....

Arrgggghhhh... so there is no problem anymore. YAY! I've enabled the theme selection on my site (for now). Its called AlbanyCCTest.

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2003/12/26 10:37

  • Bassman

  • Friend of XOOPS

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Nice theme, looks nothing like a "typical" XOOPS site (if there is such a thing ;o) )

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection

That is a great looking theme, Chainsaw!

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2003/12/26 20:55

  • JackJ

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 747

  • Since: 2003/8/31

Yes, nice site.

The menu though does not work in my Netscape 7.1. I have tried a few javascript menus from all over the internet, none of them worked properly in Netscape inside XOOPS for some reason.

I have found a script though that is the best I have seen so far, and is easily customisable for any site, and free for commercial or private use. You can easily make it look like the one you have got. Here (see "revenge of the menu bar")

I am building a menu at my site just now using xf_lightblue theme

God bless your new site..:)

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2004/2/1 9:33

  • limecity

  • Friend of XOOPS

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let me bring this topic back up..

i belive many of you got experience in this already..
i go some DTHML software..
i copy the codes into theme.html..

the links in the DHTML ..how should it look like? i put LINK

and it didn't work very well..
someone guide me here.~

Re: CoolMenu (javascript) won't work with WFSection
  • 2004/2/1 20:21

  • Chainsaw

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 304

  • Since: 2003/9/28

Well I've kinna change the menu on my site. It's no longer using CoolMenu. I've settled for Tigra menu from http://www.softcomplex.com/

Their method is a lot more simpler and you shouldn't find it difficult to use. Plus there is a auto generator at the site if you want to use that instead.

Good luck.


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