Re: Module Categorization

It sounds like we are waiting for...
a new Modules repository site
a new "MyModules" module

So my first question is, do we need to wait for these things or can we move forward by adding categories to the existing downloads module? (If we can move forward with the current downloads module, I would happy to tweak templates, add categories, etc. at the repository site).

My other question is about workflow. I assume this is the process, but, I want to double check. (I assume this is how it works now at xoops.org in general).

1. Developer creates a module and uploads it to the repository.
2. An admin reviews the description of the module and makes sure it is in the correct category.
3. Admin approves the module for inclusion in the repository, where it is available for download while it waits for additional certification.
4. Once certified, its status is updated by the admin team to indicate certification.

So the categorized list might look like this:

Modules : Content : Articles
Tutorials Rating Downloads *(Certified)*
Summary Description

WFSections Rating Downloads *(Certified)*
Summary Description

MyArticles Rating Downloads
Summary Description

YourArticles Rating Downloads
Summary Description

Then, when the user selects a title, the detail view might look like this:

Modules : Content : Articles
WFSections *Current Version* []Download Now ZIP/TAR[]
Rating #Downloaded File Size Submit Date

This is a smarty-enabled module that lets you (describe what it is and what you might want to use it for).

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Re: Module Categorization
  • 2003/10/30 7:24

  • king76

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 93

  • Since: 2003/1/15


Can you tell me who's developped this new module ? The CoreTeam ? and when ?

Because, I would me created a new module "MyReview", "MyRepository" or "MyModule" for the comunity french, for the next project : http://www.xoops-module.org.
Must I do wait the official Module of the TeamXoops ?


Re: Module Categorization
  • 2003/10/30 21:48

  • ELF

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 11

  • Since: 2002/3/9 1


I may act OS as a distributor.

I can seldom agree.

Your idea does not function well in flat directory.
When other software is mixed with a flat directory, a XOOPS related archive is divided and displayed.

I agree with Mr. onokazu.
For example, can all apache related packages be looked for from this directory?


It will be found if you know all modules. It will become easy to discover,
It will become easy to discover, if it is a "beginner" and all names have started in xoops.

There was the argument same also in the past.
Please make this reference.

It expects not considering XOOPS narrowly.


Re: Module Categorization

Charpres just did a really nice roundup of Content Modules...
see it here:


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