Hi All,
Nice to see you all reply.
I want to search such kind of module with the following capabilities:
1) Creat questionniare with items in various formats(Multiple choice, open end question, radio box and etc) with some sorts of validation(check whether the people fill in some items)
2) Give immedidate feedback to the people, like psychological test.
3) Authorization required for specific member participated the test
Would there be any so complicated modules?
dooder wrote:
I installed Brandycoke's liase and I like the expanded feature set. One problem I had is that I couldn't seem to get it to appear to Anonymous user group. I tried all combinations of visible and activate and modfying group access.
I renamed from Contact Us to Make Contact it in the module admin page and then it became a lot easier to find in the lists and I didn't confuse it with the system Contact Us or the Contact Plus module (which i have now replaced in favor of brandycoke's)
So, in the end, I have it working. My advice is... rename it before trying to go in and get it tow show to Anonymous users because the default is for it not to show to Anonymous.