Dear Mamba,
Thanks for the work !
These are my steps:
- install fresh extCal 2.22
- add couple of one-day events
- check the events if they work properly
- copy over files from extCal 2.37
- run update of the module
- clear XOOPS cache in Maintenance (modules/system/admin.php?fct=maintenance)
- go to the user side and check the events
I did all those steps, although the fresh install was done in the past. The other steps were repeated by me these days in Xoops 2.5.6.
Since I discovered that new events submitted in 2.37 don't have this problem, I tried to find out what happens after modifying events submitted in 2.22 (e.g. only one space added or so). And... after modifying, printing works normal. I think I will modify future events in this way, assuming that visitors won't print past events.
What about the day names issue ? I solved this in a amateurish way by adding 7 Ifs in the extcal_view_calendar-month.html (around line 15) and extcal_view_calendar-week.tml:
<tr style="text-align:center;" class="head">
<{foreachq item=weekdayName from=$weekdayNames}>
<td><{if $weekdayName=="Sunday"}>Zondag<{/if}>
<{if $weekdayName=="Monday"}>Maandag<{/if}>
<{if $weekdayName=="Tuesday"}>Dinsdag<{/if}>
<{if $weekdayName=="Wednesday"}>Woensdag<{/if}>
<{if $weekdayName=="Thursday"}>Donderdag<{/if}>
<{if $weekdayName=="Friday"}>Vrijdag<{/if}>
<{if $weekdayName=="Saturday"}>Zaterdag<{/if}>
There has to be a way to get those names from the language files.
Thanks !