Re: Site Logo Management
  • 2012/12/11 13:28

  • MikeShane

  • Community Support Member

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I am just a beginner but would this work if implemented in the theme; right?
In the theme you can code where you want logo to draw from, then in turn drawing from admin controlled location. Not sure how to code to make other types of files (jpg,png,gif)
But I am sure the coders making themes can do this.

I am a non technical person as far as knowing php and coding, but I love “Xoops” I have been working with it for the last four years trying to learn it and watching as it developed into what it is now.
Taking things apart and changing for what I want to do and see gets frustrating sometimes because I do not know coding.
I come to this forum looking for answers sometimes I get help sometimes I don’t.
“Xoops” is not used by web developers in my area, most use wordpress (which I seem to detest for some reason) so it is difficult finding answers sometimes. But I have found that after learning more about “Xoops” it is much easier to use and is much more versatile than any other cms style.
Thank you to all the Xoops developers and coders!

Re: Site Logo Management
  • 2012/12/11 14:08

  • bjuti

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 871

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In admin > system settings turn on Check templates for modifications

Then go to folder where your theme is and fin where is logo.jpg, png or gif and change the name of the file. First upload it in folder, of corse. :)

When you done with theme editing, turn of Check templates for modifications... it's a cache.

Re: Site Logo Management
  • 2012/12/12 5:02

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

All who think it is not needed feature are wrong.
xoops need to do all image managing in the admin side stand alone without needing any FTP client or image tool.
for example currently for creating a logo with the name of the company end user have to use some non xoops software like photoshop or some other web based tools.
It is very bad. we indeed need to do it in the next xoops core.
as phppp wrote 2 years ago we need an "image manager" module that can do all the tasks.
he just mentioned logo but IMO we need an image manager that can manage all image related tasks include logo, module images, icons, ...

phppp wrote:
On admin side, for administrators:
logo controller responsible for
logo upload
logo browse
logo edit, mainly for cropping and resizing

On view side, for theme designers:
We could build some widget-like plugin, which will be available in next major version:
<{logo size=84:31}>
which will be matched to http://img.xoops.url/images/logo/logo-84x31.png

i sent 2 important feature requests related to this:
1- a class for create images. I got the idea from trabis in publisher module. it create module logo for each clone:
customization&localization: image creator class

2- full image customization. I got this idea from phppp in newbb module. it is the most important feature to move xoops a huge step forward in image managing.
customization&localization:module/​core images in theme
then you can easily do everything like change any image button to css3 button.
see demo here:

Also trabis wrote somewhere in this forum that core team is working on a theme installer/manager.
somebody in the core should sum up all these features.

Re: Site Logo Management
  • 2012/12/12 20:47

  • Mamba

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1) I think, there is no argument that we need a good image manager.
There were ideas before, like this one by xgarb. Unfortunately, nobody followed up on this. Hopefully, somebody will work on this in XOOPS 2.6.0

2) There was also some work done on AjaxFileManager by Luciorota, which included work on an ImageManager as well, with image minipulation using wideimage library.

3) Regarding module logos, I did use some of the ideas from Publisher and from xCube, to create module logo in the TDMCreate. Please check it out here.

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Re: Site Logo Management
  • 2012/12/13 1:02

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

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If I'm not mistaken, Publisher took is logo creation from ghost module, it is not my work :)

Our beloved fork has/have a good image manager but last time I check it was using prototype. Perhaps we can change it to use jQuery?

Re: Site Logo Management
  • 2012/12/18 5:01

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

@ Mamba:
we need to sum up all features in the image manager. more important than user side It needs to have a strong admin side for cropping and resizing all images.

@ Trabis
IMO the goal for a webmaster for image managing is doing all things inside themes/MY_THEME folder without touching any modules/MODULE/image folder. eg: i just want to create a ftp account for my website theme designer and grant the access to only XOOPSCORE/themes/* folder and not more, then he should be able to do changes.

Now a webmaster should find the location of images in many places include theme's folder and module's folder and upload/change/edit them one by one using external tools like ftp and graphic clients.

one thing about search:
you add highlight feature but IMO select text feature is important too.

i got the idea from publisher here and make it a function for newbb:
foreach ($queryarray as $query) {
$pos strpos($text_istrtolower($query)); //xoops_local("strpos", $text_i, strtolower($query));
$start max(($pos 100), 0);
$length strlen($query) + 200//xoops_local("strlen", $query) + 200;
$context $obj->highlight(XoopsLocal::substr($text$start$length" [...]"), $query);
$sanitized_text .= "

[...] " $context "


the search function powerpoint is both highlighting keywords and selecting the phrases contain keywords.

Re: Site Logo Management
  • 2012/12/18 6:14

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11415

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Mamba, we need to sum up all features in the image manager. more important than user side It needs to have a strong admin side for cropping and resizing all images.

I was looking at xelfinder from our XOOPS friends in Japan. It is based on elFinder

xelfinder is already implemented for xCube, and tested on XOOPS 2.5.5, but the problem is that it requires AltSys module, and uses XOOPS_TRUST_PATH, thus complicating things.

The good thing is that it includes visual image resizing and rotation. You can download it and test on XOOPS 2.5.5.

You can also use it with external photo services like http://www.Pixlr.com:

I've asked the Core Team if we could use it as our standard "File Manager" in XOOPS 2.6.0, so we'll see what they say.

Also, there is work being done by Luciorota on AjaxFileManager, which contains Image Manager as well.

Personally, I don't like to reinvent the wheel, so I hope, we'll be able to use one of the existing solutions, if we can make them work in XOOPS 2.6.0 in a seamless way.
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