try this code in your left/right or center blocks (inside the theme)
<{if $xoops_isadmin}>
<a href="<{xoAppUrl /modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=edit&bid=}><{$block.id}>" title="Edit this Block" >
<img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>block/block-edit.png" alt="Edit this Block">a>
<a href="<{xoAppUrl /modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin&op=delete&bid=}><{$block.id}>" title="Delete this Block" >
<img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>block/block-delete.png" alt="Delete this Block">a>
<a href="<{xoAppUrl /modules/system/admin.php?fct=blocksadmin}>" title="Add New Block" >
<img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>block/block-add.png" alt="Add New Block">a><{/if}>
and dont forget to add small icons to the functions edit, add, delete in a folder : themes/yourtheme/block
the road of success is always under construction